For those wondering, harmless joke but got people/bots riled up
For those wondering, harmless joke but got people/bots riled up
I have never said anything so simplistic. The reality is that this post supports the collective punishment visited on the people of Afghanistan after the US ended its two decade hot war there.
I would hope that people be less cruel and bloodthirsty.
Anyone who treats women the way the taliban do gets 100% of my bloodthirst :D
The women starve with everyone else.
You are just repeating the logic of collective punishment.
Nice, glad to know you wanna splash acid on women who publicly show their face. Have a shit life you fundamentalist prick :D
Lying like this is why most people like me just make fun of you instead of trying to explain why you shouldn’t celebrate the acts that were designated war crimes because the Nazis did them so much. Personally, I don’t think it should require much explaining, but I am always available if you would like to engage in good faith.
I’m not talking about collective punishment, you brought that up bc you support groups that collectively punish women for existing. I just hate the taliban, and I’m not such a cartoonish misogynist or dumbass tankie that I think they’re cool and OK just bc they hate women or oppose the US. I really hope you come to that conclusion too, but if you don’t we should meet up so I can knock all your teeth out :3
When I point out that it’s bad for Afghanistan to “go broke” because it means the starvation of the population, you respond by vilifying the Taliban. Obviously, this is not a direct response to what I actually said, so we have to put on our thinking caps. This attempt to justify the starvation of a population either by deflection or a more concrete but implicit logic is the logic of collective punishment.
I have nerve said anything like this.
It sounds like you are having a rich disagreement with the person in your head. And you are even winning! But it has no relation to me.
We have now reached the “threats of violence” portion if the experience. And all because I don’t think the country of Afghanistan deserves to starve just because the Taliban is its government.
OK ml :3
I am always available if you would like to engage in good faith
Except that isn’t what OP actually said. Now who’s having a rich disagreement with people in their head?
This thread started with vilifying the Taliban, you responded with “oh you want people to starve?” Obviously, this is not a direct response to what they actually said.
All anyone said was that the Taliban is bad, and you’re very weirdly up in arms about that.
Lmao now this person is harassing me in DMs.
Seems to be a cultural thing at
You responded to criticism of the state of women’s rights under Taliban governance with criticism of America, you absolutely said something exactly that simplistic. If the post was saying that America and/or its allies should re-invade or otherwise try to overthrow the Taliban, sure, you might have a point, but it isn’t
That is not what I responded to. If you would re-read what I said, I am focused on the material deprivation of the entire country that is the “go broke” part of this meme and consistent with OP’s behaviors elsewhere.
You can also see from the responses so far that the logic of collective punishment is appealing to at least a few people here.
Afghanistan is “broke” because the US invaded it, subjected it to two decades of war, stole a huge portion of its foreign reserves when it left, and then leveraged a massive sanctions regime. The “go broke” can mean nothing other than referring to how impoverished Afghanistan has become due to these actions.
I did not. Quote me if you disagree. I was pithy, there is no need to try rephrasing it on my behalf.
It is celebrating the government of Afghanistan being poor.
This has literally nothing to do with women’s rights. The US doesn’t give a flying fuck about women’s rights in Afghanistan, any more than it does in Gaza, where it’s supporting the genocide of men, women, and children alike. It doesn’t care about them in Iran either, or anywhere else.
The US empire’s “humanitarian concerns” have always been bullshit, an excuse, a pretext.
Neocolonial empire don’t give a fuck.
this is exactly the point I’m making
There it is. Was surprised it took this long before the ‘genocide’ keyword got gratuitously thrown in.
Lemmy’s version of Godwin’s law,