“Why is such an extensive and expensive effort being made to rescue five people who took a voluntary leisure excursion when thousands of migrants are constantly drowning in their effort to escape hardship, poverty, and war? While some of the Titan’s passengers paid $250,000 for their doomed trip, migrants are often penniless and are escaping to western countries to find work. Why aren’t nations working together to help them and save them from dying at sea?”
Oh sure, we can discuss it. I just didn’t have much time to write a long comment!
This is a complicated issue, and the most obvious reason I would say is that these rich people and white explorers are more “important” than refugees, due to their background and money.
There is a debate on whether to allow refugees into citizen’s countries. If so, how many? Should you allow all of them? What if there was a catastrophe and 2 million people moved through Europe? What if 1 million refugees attempted to enter your country?
This is likely a never ending debate as the “answers” are valid for one group of people, and changes as societal standards change.
The world responds without prejudice when these kinds of out-of-the-ordinary accidents happen. Refugees is a completely separate issue and needs its own discussion. So does homelessness, Mental health, prescription drug abuse… Saving lives doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.
I’d say if there were never refugees on a boat, and suddenly one appears and was in distress then tehre would be a lot of coverage (though even now there is a lot of coverage on the boats that capsize, and not much if any of the ones that arrive that are known).
If there were kids getting stuck in caves in Thailand every week, it would quickly become not-news-worthy.
“Why is such an extensive and expensive effort being made to rescue five people who took a voluntary leisure excursion when thousands of migrants are constantly drowning in their effort to escape hardship, poverty, and war? While some of the Titan’s passengers paid $250,000 for their doomed trip, migrants are often penniless and are escaping to western countries to find work. Why aren’t nations working together to help them and save them from dying at sea?”
The reasons are pretty obvious.
Even if the reasons are obvious it doesn’t mean we can’t have a discussion about it. Ever heard of doing something for the wrong reason?
Oh sure, we can discuss it. I just didn’t have much time to write a long comment!
This is a complicated issue, and the most obvious reason I would say is that these rich people and white explorers are more “important” than refugees, due to their background and money.
There is a debate on whether to allow refugees into citizen’s countries. If so, how many? Should you allow all of them? What if there was a catastrophe and 2 million people moved through Europe? What if 1 million refugees attempted to enter your country?
This is likely a never ending debate as the “answers” are valid for one group of people, and changes as societal standards change.
2 incidents I can think of - Chilean miners https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010_Copiap%C3%B3_mining_accident , Thai kids rescued from Cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tham_Luang_cave_rescue. I’m sure ther are more , malaysia MH370…
The world responds without prejudice when these kinds of out-of-the-ordinary accidents happen. Refugees is a completely separate issue and needs its own discussion. So does homelessness, Mental health, prescription drug abuse… Saving lives doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.
I’d say if there were never refugees on a boat, and suddenly one appears and was in distress then tehre would be a lot of coverage (though even now there is a lot of coverage on the boats that capsize, and not much if any of the ones that arrive that are known).
If there were kids getting stuck in caves in Thailand every week, it would quickly become not-news-worthy.