I see you’re coming around to our way of thinking… would really be surprised if someone had gone in on a hit using a single rack hand gun as was mentioned earlier. Wrong tool for the job, I reckon. It’s super hard to extrapolate too much info from the video but, yeah, sub sonic and silencer is the combo that can create this result. I’ll wait for the ballistics report before stating this with more confidence…
It is pretty clearly an assassination, and the perp planned to get away. So it’d make sense he’d do some googling like “silent assasin pistol” and might have looked at that exact video.
You’d hear that upclose, but it wouldn’t be loud enough to panic people some distance away. You can even see the witness not being as afraid as they’d be hearing a truly unsuppressed larger caliber pistol so up close.
In the video he shoots a mag, and the first shot is almost silent, but but the last shots start sounding like gunfire.
Good call. I watched the hit without audio but, yes, the reaction of the witness does suggest that their eyes, rather than their ears, told them what was happening. I’m off to look at the link you supplied right now… thanks.
I see you’re coming around to our way of thinking… would really be surprised if someone had gone in on a hit using a single rack hand gun as was mentioned earlier. Wrong tool for the job, I reckon. It’s super hard to extrapolate too much info from the video but, yeah, sub sonic and silencer is the combo that can create this result. I’ll wait for the ballistics report before stating this with more confidence…
Idk. Do you happen to be into WWII history? Because to me, once I saw that video, I instantly thought of the Welrod Mk II, British SOE’s silent assasin pistol.
It is pretty clearly an assassination, and the perp planned to get away. So it’d make sense he’d do some googling like “silent assasin pistol” and might have looked at that exact video.
You’d hear that upclose, but it wouldn’t be loud enough to panic people some distance away. You can even see the witness not being as afraid as they’d be hearing a truly unsuppressed larger caliber pistol so up close.
In the video he shoots a mag, and the first shot is almost silent, but but the last shots start sounding like gunfire.
Good call. I watched the hit without audio but, yes, the reaction of the witness does suggest that their eyes, rather than their ears, told them what was happening. I’m off to look at the link you supplied right now… thanks.
Regardless of your fire arms opinion… that is an amazing piece of kit. Good one for bringing it to my attention.