There is a real issue of good leadership not being willing to join sinking ships. How do you motivate people to join that have the best chance of turning things around without some type of compensation? Why would they join?
This is essentially the situations that creates this. In a non capitalist system there is nothing that can be done and you either force someone to do it or you attract worse leadership and things snowball.
But why don’t lower level workers get similar perks in return for joining a sinking ship? And clearly, the leadership failed to turn the ship around in this case, so how do we know they were even good to begin with?
There is a real issue of good leadership not being willing to join sinking ships. How do you motivate people to join that have the best chance of turning things around without some type of compensation? Why would they join?
This is essentially the situations that creates this. In a non capitalist system there is nothing that can be done and you either force someone to do it or you attract worse leadership and things snowball.
Thanks for explaining, I hadn’t thought of that.
But why don’t lower level workers get similar perks in return for joining a sinking ship? And clearly, the leadership failed to turn the ship around in this case, so how do we know they were even good to begin with?