Update log:
Edit 1 at 1st day, 4:58 PM: Updated picture
Edit 2 at 1st day, 5:05 PM: Updated picture
Edit 3 at 1st day, 5:10 PM: Updated picture
Edit 4 at 1st day, 5:14 PM: Updated picture
Edit 5 at 1st day, 5:19 PM: Updated picture
Edit 6 at 1st day, 5:22 PM: Updated picture
Edit 7 at 1st day, 5:26 PM: Updated picture, also I’m gonna chill with the updates for now. Next update is scheduled for 5:50 PM
Edit 8 at 1st day, 5:50 PM: Updated picture, next update is at 6:25 PM
Edit 9 at 1st day, 6:25 PM: Updated picture, next update is at 7:45 PM
Which is the point of all of this. They’ve been flexing their ability to control the flow of information on their site to show off for investors since the minute they announced the API changes. They’re going to use Place to further demonstrate the level of control they have over the userbase by “shutting down the protests.” Advertisers and investors are going to be eating this up, especially since so many people are still engaging and giving hate-clicks along the way. Imagine how attractive a completely pliable and obedient userbase of literal millions of progressive swing voters is going to look.
I notice they’ve left in all the Fuck Spez stuff, while removing anything “promoting violence”.
Eventually he’ll see himself out the door with an enormous payoff. The reddit faithful will cheer his departure, but none of what he’s done will be reversed.
Reddit wants to be TikTok because that makes money.
If I wanted TikTok I’d have downloaded it.
I didn’t. So I left.
I think that’s called doing a “Pao”.
People on here all the time crying for the death and Reddit and that’s just naive.
True. It’s sad to see all this coming from 90s early 00s internet.
Yeah, they just want to boost traffic and engagement, so that Reddit looks good to investors.