I use RSS to fetch reddit posts for subs that are not active in Lemmy.
Sometimes I need to read the comments so I’d view the post from safari. Today, I tried like 3 post and when click on view post, it would redirect me to the App Store.
When I decided to screenshot the page to make this post, it did show the post but would refuse like 1 out of 5 times.
What user agent are you using?
I don’t use Reddit anymore but if absolutely everything goes bad you can pretend to be the Google bot, that works even for Twitter but idk if it will influence your experience to some degree.
So I just tried this user agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
Reddit says it won’t accept the user agent and blocks the page. Is that not the right one or did I enter it wrong into Orion?
Honestly, I have no idea but maybe this site can help. https://explore.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/explore/software_name/googlebot/
I tried several of those and still getting a Reddit block page saying those user agents are against their terms of service.
Oh well was mostly just curious to test something new out on Orion. I wouldn’t go to reddit ever if I can avoid it.
In theory none of those sites can afford to block that user agent, maybe there is something else detected (I have no clue) but if they blocked those Google couldn’t list them in their search anymore and that would basically be a death sentence for Reddit!
“Deez nuts”