“Nazis, people who liberated Auschwitz, what’s the difference?”
Everyone ignored the latter part of your first comment because this part is the meat of it. I don’t think you actually care about the technical differences between fascism and communism, and I bet neither does EnglishMobster. Quit pretending that’s what this is about. You actually do think one is worse than the other.
You actually do think one is worse than the other.
Of course I do, I admitted it in the same comment. I just don’t care if OP thinks one is better or not.
The point I’m arguing against is Englishmobsters implication that they’re the same thing. I think of the Auschwitz comment as the same point as my expansion that they are two distinct political systems.
I very deeply care about the differences between communism and fascism. That’s why I started this comment chain.
Dawg I’m literally sticking to the argument in my first comment. What do you want from me?
Everyone ignored the latter part of your first comment because this part is the meat of it. I don’t think you actually care about the technical differences between fascism and communism, and I bet neither does EnglishMobster. Quit pretending that’s what this is about. You actually do think one is worse than the other.
Of course I do, I admitted it in the same comment. I just don’t care if OP thinks one is better or not.
The point I’m arguing against is Englishmobsters implication that they’re the same thing. I think of the Auschwitz comment as the same point as my expansion that they are two distinct political systems.
I very deeply care about the differences between communism and fascism. That’s why I started this comment chain.