Chalk another one up for right wing hypocrisy, I suppose…
The only right wing value is the acquisition of power and influence, that’s why they don’t hold to any position, they will just stand wherever benefits them the most in that moment.
Broadly speaking, left wing is about creating change, ideally for more equality or the betterment of all. Right wing is about conserving the status quo and traditional power hierarchies, because they are accustomed to benefiting from them.
And by they, you mean the right wind politicians in power.
The people who vote for them are constantly voting against their immediate interests.
If we had some sort of ranked choice, a lot of these one-issue voters might actually have a choice in their representation. Which would be good for all of us.
The only right wing value is the acquisition of power and influence, that’s why they don’t hold to any position, they will just stand wherever benefits them the most in that moment.
What does “left wing” and “right wing” mean?
Broadly speaking, left wing is about creating change, ideally for more equality or the betterment of all. Right wing is about conserving the status quo and traditional power hierarchies, because they are accustomed to benefiting from them.
So would ideologies like fascism, georgism, anarcho-capitalism, ethno-nationalism, etc be left-wing?
When in doubt, remember that oncentration camps are not compatible with “equality or betterment of all”.
So then what are they- since they aren’t ideologies about conserving the status quo?
Concentration camps protect establishment power.
The origin of a word is largely distinct from how people use it in the modern day.
And by they, you mean the right wind politicians in power.
The people who vote for them are constantly voting against their immediate interests.
If we had some sort of ranked choice, a lot of these one-issue voters might actually have a choice in their representation. Which would be good for all of us.