I’ve never smoked and I’ve only done edibles once. And it was by and large the worst experience of my life. I literally walked to a corner in the kitchen sat down and asked people to not let me get up because I was having thoughts of throwing myself out of the window.
So I just sat there with my senses completely messed up. Hallucinating ( I don’t think you are supposed to right? ) and completely trapped in a trip I did not want to be in and wondering if I died and gone to hell and that’s how my brain was coping with dying.
So yeah. Not a good time.
I’m wondering what everyone else’s experience is.
And is it luck that causes you to have a good or bad trip? Is it something we can influence ?
The experience depends a lot on your tolerance. If that was your first time, you definitely had to much. The problem with edibles is the dosing as the trip comes late and stays long. Smoking or vaporizing gives you the quickest results and you get out of it in a reasonable time. I’m consuming since 30 years. Mainly joints and also from time to time edibles.
If you want to give it again a try, you might take only a nug of the size of a pea. That’s enough to get a comfy high.
PS: avoid weed containing other than THC.