• Cyrus Draegur@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Facts, fam. It’s ok to enjoy pipe dreams as long as we’re mindful of the fact that they are pipe dreams. Everybody gets inspiration from unrealistic aspirations. It’s fine. Like, unironically, it’s ok to think “boy, it would be nice if the world were a little more like how I wish it were”, as long as there isn’t an effort made to abuse other people for not always agreeing or having the same dream.

    Truth be told, it’d be cool if communism were to actually work, although I for one feel leery of the human error introduced by central planning. Parallel processing is humanity’s greatest strength and leaving things up to a committee is a massive vulnerability. If instead of an insular committee of unilaterally appointed bureaucrats, it were some kind of democratic system where direct referendums could override the representatives whenever people get pissed off enough at their representatives not doing their (FUCKING) jobs, that’d be a damn sight better than any currently operating economic model. Because frankly, right now, capitalism itself also has insular committees of appointees (shareholders in boardrooms) and that sucks too.