Yea, that’s the whole deal with self hosting. Offside hosting or cloud hosting doesn’t mean you just have SAAS, you can have lower level access or even IAAS
Self hosted usually refers to onside hosting. The VPS you are using is hosted offside. So basically it refers to where the server is, not who manages it. But there is a big overlap and many use them synonymous. It’s more of a „well actually“ that only happens to apply here
Yea, that’s the whole deal with self hosting. Offside hosting or cloud hosting doesn’t mean you just have SAAS, you can have lower level access or even IAAS
Sorry but I’ve always called the VPS I run in the cloud, with software used by my 5 person DND group, “self hosted”. You’re saying it is, or it isn’t?
Self hosted usually refers to onside hosting. The VPS you are using is hosted offside. So basically it refers to where the server is, not who manages it. But there is a big overlap and many use them synonymous. It’s more of a „well actually“ that only happens to apply here
Just a little nitpicking, the words you want to be using are “offSITE” and “onSITE” not “offSIDE” or “onSIDE” (this isn’t a football match).