My impression is that the elected Fatah government does not have power in Gaza, which is held by Hamas as a dictatorship. Hamas refused to hold elections in 2021-2022.
Hamas won the last PA elections back in 2006. Fatah tried to prevent Hamas from taking power, and since then they’ve had Fatah in the West Bank (‘protected’ by Israel) and Hamas in Gaza. Because of the conflict between Fatah and Hamas, they’ve not had fully democratic elections since, as neither allows the other to campaign.
My understanding of Palestinian politics is that Fatah lost legitimacy by supporting negotiations with Israel, which Israel undermined. Corruption was also a part.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK.
Didn’t the Palestinians vote for Hamas to be their government?
My impression is that the elected Fatah government does not have power in Gaza, which is held by Hamas as a dictatorship. Hamas refused to hold elections in 2021-2022.–22_Palestinian_local_elections
Hamas won the last PA elections back in 2006. Fatah tried to prevent Hamas from taking power, and since then they’ve had Fatah in the West Bank (‘protected’ by Israel) and Hamas in Gaza. Because of the conflict between Fatah and Hamas, they’ve not had fully democratic elections since, as neither allows the other to campaign.
My understanding of Palestinian politics is that Fatah lost legitimacy by supporting negotiations with Israel, which Israel undermined. Corruption was also a part.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK.