I can’t tell you how often this ends old people’s lives. They start to aspirate food, get hospitalized for nasty pneumonia because of it, we try to feed them pureed food (essentially baby food all over again) and thicken their drinks, they struggle to stay hydrated and nourished because of it, they aspirate and end up in the hospital again. Rinse, repeat.
Oh, so it’s yet another one of those problems caused by that whole “let’s take this four legged mammal body plan and make it stand upright” thing. Thanks, evolution!
I’d like to ask why the fuck I have to stop breathing to swallow liquid/food and risk fucking dying if this goes slightly wrong
Why do my eyes take everything in upside-down and my brain has to flip it over? What’s up with that one, God?
That’s just physics though, your eyes are just pinhole cameras basically
Why does an omnipotent god need to rely on physics for creations made in his image?
Hmmmmmm, that’s a question for someone religious
Or the god the OP has a question for. But they stay oddly silent on the matter.
Evolution do be weird sometimes.
I can’t tell you how often this ends old people’s lives. They start to aspirate food, get hospitalized for nasty pneumonia because of it, we try to feed them pureed food (essentially baby food all over again) and thicken their drinks, they struggle to stay hydrated and nourished because of it, they aspirate and end up in the hospital again. Rinse, repeat.
This is shockingly common. Evolution is a dick.
Dogs don’t have this issue. I don’t think pneumonia is a serious problem.
Oh, so it’s yet another one of those problems caused by that whole “let’s take this four legged mammal body plan and make it stand upright” thing. Thanks, evolution!
We are a work in progress. Our ancestors had a single hole for all inputs and outputs. We slowly evolved to separate the output.