PARIS, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Six teenagers go on trial behind closed doors on Monday, accused of involvement in the beheading of French history teacher Samuel Paty by a suspected Islamist in 2020 in an attack that struck at the heart of the country’s secular values.
The teacher had shown his pupils cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in a class on freedom of expression, angering a number of Muslim parents. Muslims believe that any depiction of the Prophet is blasphemous.
Oh, who are the actual authors? You seem to know a lot about them.
Nobody knows anything except their names and what they themselves claim. The primary author and editor shares a name with a prominent American lawyer, and that’s about all we know. I’ve tried digging into the guy (he claims to have a physiology degree and works in healthcare), but I can’t find a single source that indicates he even exist.
Edit: anyone who tries to tell me that a name on a mortgage is an indication that someone exists should look a little bit more closely at those documents. I’ll wait.
Pretty neat how you’re here claiming to know they’re unqualified when nobody knows anything about them.🤔
Who is this we? Why do you believe I don’t know this individual? Do you believe you know me?
So you know nothing about this person and you’re pontificating about their credentials.
Idk if I was you I’d shut my mouth, and if I was anyone else I would stop putting stock in your opinions.
Edit: I love when my posts get downvoted in less time that it’d take to read them. It’s like you’re so out of control with your emotions that you can’t even read.
I always find it funny how there’s some people who are extremely keen on advocating for a person with no established credentials and little to indicate that they actually exist. Almost like they feel personally attacked, or something.
That’s you. You’re talking about yourself.
Hey, nobody listen to this guy, he’s got no credentials!
Why are you advocating for you?
You’re coming across as attacked.
So… I take it you know this guy, then?
That’s pretty cool.
No, I’m just not gonna pontificate about something I know nothing about like an idiot.
Got any other alt accounts you can brigade our conversation with?
Why would I brigade a conversation with someone who clearly trusts whatever is given to them without critical thought?
Your behavior is visible Holmes, it’s not an accusation, it’s visibly obvious on certain platforms. That’s why your last account got banned. 😉
Now fuck off.