The fact that they continue calling themselves the “most moral army in the world” while blatantly doing a geneva convention any% speedrun drives me up the fucking wall.
welcome to postmodern authoritarian conservatism. it premiered to the public with george dubya bush just randomly declaring victory in iraq and afghanistan knowing full well those wars would last over a decade after the declaration of victory, carried through trump just declaring that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, then stopped off briefly at “the election was stolen” and now its “the most moral army in the world hunts down and kills its own citizens”.
THE TALLY VAN SHOT HER IN THE FACE CUZ SHE WANTED TO GO TO SCHOOL HASHTAG MALALA AND NOW SHE’S…wait, what? she’s a socialist? She wants to divest from fossile fuels? oh, nevermind.
The fact that they continue calling themselves the “most moral army in the world” while blatantly doing a geneva convention any% speedrun drives me up the fucking wall.
welcome to postmodern authoritarian conservatism. it premiered to the public with george dubya bush just randomly declaring victory in iraq and afghanistan knowing full well those wars would last over a decade after the declaration of victory, carried through trump just declaring that he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever, then stopped off briefly at “the election was stolen” and now its “the most moral army in the world hunts down and kills its own citizens”.
Which is why we can’t allow anymore to get elected
Some say it came first when they said those four frames they released from the Pentagon security camera showed a passenger airliner.
Remember the “women and girls” in Afghanistan suddenly getting sympathy from pro-war journalists the second the US pulled out?