Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other - many referencing that the Obamas are executive producers.
Filter to 1-star and note how many reviews are direct copies of each other - many referencing that the Obamas are executive producers.
No but are you boycotting everything ever and living in the arctic?
That’s a pretty huge leap from “Obama is a garbage human being and doesn’t deserve our support”
No it’s not. You’re boycotting anyone who killed people right? Why don’t you research some of the companies whose products you consume
You’re really going hard on the whataboutism, huh?
You’re really going hard on “Obama bad” eh? I’m just wondering where you draw the line. It’s impossible now so why choose this?
He bombed hospitals, schools, weddings and killed tens of thousands of civilians. What part of that don’t you consider bad?
Ok. But why are you singling out Obama and completely ignoring everything the light touches?
Well, two reasons. First, (this is the most important one so pay attention) I am commenting on an article about Obama, not an article about “everything the light touches”. Second, I do not see anyone in this thread whitewashing the legacies of (for example) Bush or Trump or Hitler or pol pot. If I did, I would correct those people, like I corrected the ones whitewashing Obama’s blood soaked past.
Maybe you can try paying attention some time. There was no anrticle and nothing was about Obama. It was about a movie and how people don’t like it because there was a connection to Obama.
I’m just curious if you go to every other post too and find reasons to boycott stuff because of chemical, agriculture, gun/military, oil, pharmaceutical, sugar, and manufacturing companies killing a bunch of people. How do you find the time to do anything else?
Sure have more, what about nestle? You eat chocolate these days?
He gonna be big mad when Monsanto enters the chat
Have you ever bought a movie ticket, DVD or streaming service with the sole intent to support a movie producer?
Do you still buy lostprophets albums?