My wife does this all the time, and if I don’t check before I spritz I get an unexpected ball splash.
NSFW for potential topic sensitivity I guess.
My wife does this all the time, and if I don’t check before I spritz I get an unexpected ball splash.
NSFW for potential topic sensitivity I guess.
Answering both: dial image for reference to what the “modes” are, and my dial is gross. Plus that was the best image I could find describing it, but had trouble getting a clean download. Google images can suck that way. If you get me a clean link, I’d update the post.
From your link:,0,1464,600_PT0_SX1464_V1___.png
Just right click on an image and choose open image in new tab. 99.99% of the time you’ll get a plain image. Sometimes you’ll have to trim the URL if the site adds properties to the image.