i tried to update my credit card so they won’t send me daily fucking emails that i “owe” them $30 (because a gym membership definitely needs to be a cOnTraCt, sure, sure), but the website didn’t work, so I tried calling their “automated” system, whereupon after entering my info to the robot, it gave up and connected me to a guy who i had to speak do and do it all over again.
then they made the poor guy literally ask at the end ‘are you satisfied with my service today’
This is built into some email services, where you with address+label@email.com, you can set the label to whatever you want and it all goes to address@email.com. unfortunately many sites will incorrectly claim that + is invalid in am address.
Yeah, Microsoft is a notable one that does that. That’s why I made it so Port87 supports both the plus and the dash. I haven’t found any place that doesn’t accept a dash in an email address.
Lots of places support the subaddressing, but I don’t know of any others that are built around it like Port87. Like, where all email to a subaddress goes to a matching label automatically.