I encountered the mother of all captchas the other day: it had me picking a three-dimensional room diagram among six of them, matching it to a 2d top-down view of the room. It was way more time consuming than a typical captcha, and I had to do the same task five or six times.
I think we’ll see harder and harder captchas as AI models get better and better. Eventually it won’t be a realistic option since it just costs humans time and the convenience of whatever service they’re trying to use.
I encountered the mother of all captchas the other day: it had me picking a three-dimensional room diagram among six of them, matching it to a 2d top-down view of the room. It was way more time consuming than a typical captcha, and I had to do the same task five or six times.
I think we’ll see harder and harder captchas as AI models get better and better. Eventually it won’t be a realistic option since it just costs humans time and the convenience of whatever service they’re trying to use.
In 2 years that shit’s gonna be differential calculus, or a riddle.
Please provide a proof to the Riemann Hypothesis to continue.
No stepmother porn today, I guess.
I’d wager AI models have an easier time solving those captchas than humans.
I’d also wager captchas’ only real purpose is to train AI models
Aka “How badly do you want to use this website?”