AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
As firms increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-driven hiring platforms, many highly qualified candidates are finding themselves on the cutting room floor.
AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
As firms increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-driven hiring platforms, many highly qualified candidates are finding themselves on the cutting room floor.
Nah. They just inheret the racial biases the hr have through correlation. Associations based on zipcode or name. But this time it’s an inscrutable black box being racist.
It isn’t necessarily inscrutable.
It will be, almost certainly. But for many, the entire reason is to try and remove it, so it won’t have their name, and maybe not their zip code as a considered factor.
This will depend very much on the organization in question- which gets to my point. There’s some high level bullshit that many applicants never get through just because.
Race. Zip code. Name. They just don’t have to be used.
Or more complicated… college from where the got degrees. If an applicant graduated from an HBC it’s a not bad bet that they’re… black. Or at least “woke”. On the other hand, some one who graduated from some deeply conservative college is almost certainly a conservative.
A human is going to make those connections regardless. An AI can be made to not even know there is a connection
Here is some dark timeline thoughts. Companies are people, patents and copyright can only be given to humans, AI hallucinates, companies are responsible for the actions of AI.
Does this mean we will eventually have to compete with commercial AI personas that also have a verifiable work history complete with an itemized list of financial liability incidents. HR now has to decide if they want a human employee or an AI employee.