Went to order some cat treats and saw that I could get a 25% discount when I sign up for Amazon’s subscribe feature.
So I clicked on it and the total in my cart didn’t reflect a 25% discount.
When I went back to see what was up, I noticed that the discount went down to 5%.
Unclicking the box will show a 25% discount again…
UPDATE: A commenter mentioned that the text reads “up to 25%”, so I went to a different item, added it to my cart and got:
But clicking on that checkbox also brings it back down to 5%.
Yup Amazon is getting worse, like everything else.
I’ve noticed recently that delivery estimates have been getting less accurate as well.
Before,2 day shipping meant 2 day shipping. Now? Not so much.
Of the last 6 Amazon orders I’ve placed 4 of them either changed arrival dates after purchasing, or were “delayed” in shipping
I don’t think two day shipping is an advertised feature anymore. Depending on where you live, I’ve seen ordering directly from manufacturers is the same or quicker than Amazon most of the time.
When they say “arrives on the 22nd” I expect it to arrive on the 22nd. I don’t care if it’s same day or a week later.
I need to start just ordering directly from manufacturers.
I’ve had that happen recently too. Last one was clearly lost. It kept cycling in and out of their same warehouse. Happens with IPS and FedEx from time to time too.
Like others have said, they don’t guarantee two days shipping however. Their thing now is if you spend $x per order or pay more, even if you have prime, they’ll overnight it (location dependent).
I live a 20 minute drive from several large amazon warehouses and one of their largest air hubs. When two day shipping was guaranteed, we’d often get most items the next day since it goes out almost immediately and we’re very close. We noticed the last few years most deliveries take two days at least with many being delayed to 3 or 4.
Finding prime less and less of a value I cancelled at the beginning of this month as I was set to auto renew. We’ve ordered two things since. Both items we have received in the past in 1-2 days. Now they take 5-7 days for free shopping, which is fine mind you, but it shows me that rather than shipping the item they are intentionally holding back the order from being picked from the warehouse to create the delay.
Rather than prime adding value, it’s simply providing the regular service, while they intentionally give non-prime members a manufactured worse service to entice them to pay.
Nothing else on prime is worthwhile. Thursday night football sucks and when I do want to watch it if my team is playing I’ll just pirate it. Same goes for anything on prime like The Boys will just get added to the Plex server.
I keep hearing this thing about delivery.
I can say that personally here in Spain, of course it’s a completely different place, the overnight 1 day shipping still works. Just saying that the enshittification is not global at least on shipping. Of course all depends where you are located and each product if they are prime or not, which hour you order it, etc… But the day they say is the day your receive it except some very very rare exceptions when there is a delay.
Of course that’s just my experience in my town…