It’s pretty much sterile if you have a catheter. That’s why the joke in Dodge ball about Patches drinking his own piss works so well. He’s a cripple, so he has a catheter, so “it’s sterile and I like the taste!”.
At the risk of being the “ackshally” guy, even indwelling catheters substantially increase the likelihood of bacteriuria, or abnormal bacteria in the urine. It gives motile bacteria additional surface area on which to make their way up the ureter, plus the initial placement can introduce microbes.
Bladders are pretty well colonized with a plethora of microbes. Short of nuking it with bleach, it’s never going to be sterile.
It’s pretty much sterile if you have a catheter. That’s why the joke in Dodge ball about Patches drinking his own piss works so well. He’s a cripple, so he has a catheter, so “it’s sterile and I like the taste!”.
Or the joke in Catch22 where the nurse swaps the drip and catheter bottles once a day.
At the risk of being the “ackshally” guy, even indwelling catheters substantially increase the likelihood of bacteriuria, or abnormal bacteria in the urine. It gives motile bacteria additional surface area on which to make their way up the ureter, plus the initial placement can introduce microbes.
Bladders are pretty well colonized with a plethora of microbes. Short of nuking it with bleach, it’s never going to be sterile.
Relevant articles:
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection in adults
The bladder is not sterile: History and current discoveries on the urinary microbiome
the first ever urinary tract infection i had was when i had a catheter, and it took ages to clear it, 0/10 do not recommend.
This guy catheters.