Uh I was a 90s kid and I remember those. I’m guessing they don’t still do them… There was something really satisfying flipping through those elongated certificates with that bright red cover.
Shit, I wish David Bowie was my mom.
I kid, my mom is great, but I’d let him be my second mom.
What’s your accent, by the way?
It varies based on what I eat. Right now it’s American I guess?
I cannot tell you how excited we were to get those gift certificates.
That, and Pizza Hut personal pan pizza coupons.
Just so you youngsters know, that legend of a person was David Bowie.
Isn’t David Bowie the guy who ripped off “The Man Who Sold the World” from Nirvana?
I thought he was the guy who ripped off vanilla ice tho.
Woosh? Have an upvote for the neat link anyways.
And here I thought it was Ziggy Stardust.
He gave me the McDonald’s Gift Certificates?
Hell yeah, Santa needs help sometimes
He signed every last one of them.
Let us all thank David Bowie for the Mcdonald’s gift certificates!
Youngsters cannot appreciate the prestige.