Found all the edgelords. Rape jokes. Wow, soooooo edgy. All you need are some shirtless high fives and some Andrew Tate quotes to really explode those edgy boners y’all rocking
I musta missed the rape joke. I just took this as an acknowledgment and maybe slight celebration that a sex offender is going to jail.
Edit: I forgot I’m on my beehaw account and see a much smaller portion of the comments
Aged like wine.
If they need Hyde to show up in “That 90s Show” , they should do what “2 and a Half Men” did and have esteemed character actress Margo Martindale play Hyde, but never acknowledge it.
I don’t think Red is putting his foot too far into Hyde’s ass, he wrote a letter in support of his character to I can only assume was trying for a more lenient sentence.
Rape isn’t bad if I know the rapist!
“Hyde your kids, Hyde your wife!”
At least he wasn’t wrong