Honestly at this point I’m just glad I’m not getting autobanned because some moderator decided there was a way to interpret my words as advocating for genocide… God we need to get more of the Reddit Communities here so we can make that shitfest obsolete
A rarity
Funny, I always seem to get downvoted, which I didn’t on Reddit
Oh yeah. Echo chamber my favorite.
Or seeking self validation to cope with insecurity.
Metal Gear Solid 2 (released in 2001) predicted our current/future catch 22 scenario. If echo chambers are left in place everyone isolates themselves and surrounds themselves in their own half truths afraid of a larger forum.
But the proposed solution is for AI to run everything behind the scenes censoring the internet to manipulate information and by extension the world.
idk why this reminded me of that
I like turning off vote counts to keep me more honest. It makes me vote honestly because I myself like something, not just because others happen to like it a lot.