So Windows detects one of the most secure browsers ever as a virus, yet ships with the most insecure spyware modern browser that it doesn’t let you delete? Something isn’t adding up here. What is it detecting anyway?
It’s likely due to business rules. We block Tor and all the privacy browsers at work.
I guess it kind of makes sense, however, wouldn’t it make more sense to just have these restrictions on just Enterprise versions? To have settings made for corporations in home/pro editions further shows Microsoft’s laziness. Thank you foksmash for your insight though, I am not familiar with a setting like yours.
Your idea is quite logical. That said, I think businesses are their primary target so that could influence such decisions. I’m really just guessing since I don’t work there but I can understand their reasoning if that were the case.
Well I liked your inference, it is very coherent. It is probably the case.
This is crazy, but yet another reason to use Brave as a Tor browser actually, at least as a backup
Not recommended
Fair enough. I only use it as a backup Tor browser.
At the very least it’s a great way to get the Tor browser if your internet is censored like the Christian college I went to was.
That is fair, I guess it really depends on the end goal, but they are different in what they hide and how reliable they are from an open source perspective.
Malware Bytes keeps doing this for Cheat Engine.
If I mod an offline game for my enjoyment that’s my fucking business
In defense of malware bytes, CE is notoriously shady
Not more than third party AVs
First I’m hearing of this
If you’re not sure who to trust, the 32-bit version of tor browser doesn’t get flagged right now