Does anyone here use Exercism? I’ve started using it to learn Elixir, and it seems to be good. I’m thinking about having my kids use it as well for Python and JS/TS.
I’d be interested to hear if anyone’s used it for a long time, and if there’s any advantages or disadvantages to it. Or if there are other, better code exercise sites I should check out.
I’ve tried it, for several languages…
It seems good, to me, but I’ve learned to invest in the BEST 2-ish recent books on any language I’m trying to learn:
the difference between average vs GOOD instruction is cliff-like, and I need to understand why things work the way they do.
( with 2 different-author books, best I can get, then if 1 author is explaining something in a way I can’t get, then I’ve got a good alternative.
Better, though, is that if I make myself work through both, then it’s much more likely to stick, see? : )
I consider Exercism to be a good part of a healthy ( programming-learning ) breakfast!
: )
CombinedArms: use EVERY dimension of leverage you can, simultaneously, and more-certainly win, quicker!
I’m saying this, and I also saying I’ve had to report bugs in their lessons, 1 or 2 times.
I need Exercism.
Best combined-arms analogy I’ve seen this week. Did you go to command and general stack college?
I needed to learn Go quickly for a small little side project and I was able to run through the fundamentals Go track in about a week and a half doing a few exercises here and there.
I’ve been exposed to quite a few programming languages so a lot of the common principles are there for me. What I really needed was to learn how Go is different and what the unique things about it are.
For example, I didn’t need to learn about why loops are important. What I did like learning is how a for loop in Go was structured and how to use it in different contexts. Utilizing range was a great thing I picked up from their examples.
Exercise is a great hands-on tool to supplement and support learning.
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This looks great!