I hope this post is not too off topic. I thought that it would be nice to see the address of all the small self-hosted instances of Lemmy (1~5 users).
https://lemmy.socdojo.com because I’m not creative with names and just tacked it onto everything else on my lab/domain. The ‘socdojo’ part came from my first IT job where the T2/SOC referred to their little cave as the ‘socdojo’ aka a training ground for the soc newbs.
I’m on jamie.moe, I like to collect domain names that are just my name.
Wow, good job for the generations of your family, having a name that would one day be a TLD. Some awesome foresight, there.
Sorry for the confusion, but Moe isn’t my last name, just the jamie part. I also own jamie.tools and jamie.today.
Odd that you would get so many “Jamie” domains, Moe.
Hello from onlylans.io
I was surprised nobody’d thoughr of this domain before. feditown.com
Hey, I do not think that this is off topic at all. My instance is matejc.com
New instance less than 20 people ATM. If you can’t see it from the username it is Kerala.party
This comment is posted through my personal private instance :)
Also on kubernetes, hopefully this message works. First time testing from my self-hosted instance.
I’m the only one here.
My instance has 2 users. The domain name is endlesstalk.org
I host it on a k3s cluster with 2 nodes.
how do you handle the sled state for pictrs with 2 nodes? I’ve been having some trouble with it.
I have only 1 container of pictrs running(with no scaling) and are using longhorn for storage, so if the pictrs container switches node, then longhorn handles it for me.
I see, thanks. What volume(s) are you persisting that way exactly? I mean the internal path that pictrs is using.
The internal path, I’m persisting is
, but I also use an older version of pictrs(0.3.1). Think the newer version uses a different path.I also needed to add the following for the pictrs container to work correctly.
securityContext: runAsUser: 991 runAsGroup: 991 fsGroup: 991
Thanks a lot!
Is there a way to host with high availability? Or is that a kubernetes feature?
K8s is just a huge abstraction over your clusters, the real question is if the software/containers support HA.
I’ve been meaning to test it for a while now, but have just been running VMs/Docker. Will check it out.
You can definitely have high availibillity without kubernetes, but its easier(For me atleast) with kubernetes.
What HA options exist outside of k8s?
For container orchestration, which is mostly what k8s provides, then you could use docker swarm or nomad. You could use docker-compose with multiple replicas of the wanted container + a load balancer to divide the load.
In general I don’t think k8s/k3s is needed for hosting lemmy yet, but since I have a setup for k3s, it is easier for me to use it.
Nice, thanks for the info.
Closed registration while I fix some stuff, which might be a while. So I’ve only got 2 human users or so.
Last I checked mine is the only instance in Vietnam, but that might not be true anymore.
Can anyone tell me the advantage of selfhosting Lemmy?
I have my Raspberry Pi which is only doing pihole atm and I’ve got an M2 Mac mini with some spare resources with docker installed so I’ve got hardware for it but what does it actually do?
I decided to pull the trigger when I was on sh.it just.works and Beehaw defederated them and Lemmy.world. I immediately couldn’t see posts from the super active beehaw communities even though I didn’t do anything. Realized it kind of did matter which instance you chose.
Totally never going to run a community on here, but at least I can see everything now, I can keep my post history, and if I get defederated it’s probably because I messed something up with my server
https://forum.stellarcastle.net on kubernetes (microk8s)
Stellar castle is a cool ass name
Thank you:) I also bought astralkeep.com because I couldn’t decide which one to use lol
Damn, those are both really great!