Amy isn’t the lowest, she’s responsible for the Professor’s dentures!
Is Hermes a pushover? That’s not how I viewed him
When it comes to his wife and Barbados Slim he is.
So hes a cuck
Hey, Pam and Bender occasionally work. At least once. One work.
Hey, Bender has worked a lot. He is the company chef. Plus worked as a scab with Flexo.
Unlike Zoidberg, Krieger is not the medical kind of doctor.
Zoidberg isn’t either, his PhD is in art history
he later states in “The Duh-Vinci Code” that his PhD is in art history (as opposed to medicine).[7]
I thought Lana was voiced by Katey Sagal for the longest time. Still catch myself thinking that sometimes.
This fits so incredibly well
Also, both are ambiguous with what time they’re set in: Futurama in the future, Archer likely in the 60s/70s, but both constantly referencing current events and technology.
Hermes isn’t an accountant he’s a bureaucrat.
He performs the same functions for Planet Express.
Different terms for the same character job.
Does he though? We see Hermes, filing, holding meetings, firing and hiring people. He basically is running the business for the professor as well as stamping some forms. We don’t ever see or hear of him doing anything with accounting or balancing the books.
He’s always showing off graphs about the profitability (or lack thereof) of Planet Express. He pulls quad duty as HR, finance, safety, and general demoralizer.
Didn’t know Amy was into being choked…
I accept the descriptions as technically true but…
The only two that feel similar are leela and lana. Everyone else is real stretch.
Hermes is way a more confident man than Cyril.
And competent.
Cyril is pretty competent but Archer is his kryptonite.
And Mallory. Remember when their agency shut down and set up a new one with Cyril as the head and he tried to be assertive? Mallory subtly influenced him which made her the unofficial leader-- the leader yet again. That always cracks me up!
This is pretty spot on.