the git
May peace be upon you
Greating floss (free libre open source software ) gnu linux :)
This time we will talk about simple docker full os gnu linux os :)
What is docker full os ?
Docker full os gnu linux os, in simple meaning, mean special kinds of docker that truely full gnu linux os which is running in the container in native performance.
it’s like vm (virtual machine) or chroot or termux or proot with native perfomance.
The benefits of the docker full os gnu linux os
it has native performance
it very easy to make and to use
we can make simple cloud gaming / cloud computing :)
the weakness of the docker full os gnu linux
it need a lot of space
there is no enough documentaries about docker full os
- install gnu linux in laptop server for os host
example = sparky linux kde plasma / xfce semi rolling :)
- install gnu linux client’s laptop for client os
- install docker in host os (server) via cli (command line interface) / terminal
sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker* docker-compose*
xhost +
- Make simple pulse audio fix in host os (server)
4a. install pulse audio in os host (server)
4b. make a config file for pulse audio in host os (server)
example = /home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket
default-server = unix://home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket
Prevent a server running in the container
autospawn = no daemon-binary = /bin/true
Prevent the use of shared memory
enable-shm = false Share socket and config file with docker and set environment variables PULSE_SERVER and PULSE_COOKIE. Container user must be same as on host:
4c. run this command in host os (server)
pactl load-module module-native-protocol-unix socket=/home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket
- PULL IMAGE GNU LINUX for DOCKER OS FULL OS in host os (server)
sudo docker pull kalilinux/kali-rolling
sudo docker images
- run the DOCKER IMAGE
docker run -ti --device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri --privileged --cap-add=ALL --device /dev/snd --volume /dev:/dev -v /dev:/dev --group-add audio -v /var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/doc -v /:/media/prime --env PULSE_SERVER=unix:/home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket --env PULSE_COOKIE=/home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.cookie --volume /home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket:/home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.socket --volume /home/realsifo/Downloads/pulse/pulseaudio.client.conf --publish= --publish= --group-add video --volume=“/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix” --env=“DISPLAY” -e XAUTHORITY=/root/.Xauthority --name docker-full-os-001 93b4ab65e32a
apt update
apt full-upgrade
apt install nano pulseaudio* neofetch vlc* smplayer* wget uget cairo-dock* alsa-utils* network-manager net-tools* cairo-dock-plug-ins* dbus dbus-x11 thunar* chromium* rofi* terminator* sudo kate* kwrite* geany* geany-plugin-addons* aptitude* qt5-style-kvantum-themes qt5-style-kvantum-l10n qt5-style-kvantum libreoffice krita* gimp* kdenlive* handbrake* yt-dlp* isomaster* k3b* apt-utils* git htop* compiz* compiz-boxmenu* compiz-plugins* compizconfig-settings-manager* emerald* emerald-themes* fusion-icon* simple-ccsm* usbutils* lxqt* nmap* wireshark* sqlmap* metasploit-framework* airgeddon* bleachbit* xfce4* xfce4-goodies* kde-full* plasma-nm
if we use intel gpu , we need to install intel vulkan driver
a. aktivate the i386 multi-arch
dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update
b. install the necesary apps
apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386 mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386 vulkan-tools*
c. we can also install wine dan lutris
apt install wine64 lutris*
7.add user for docker full os
7a. add user
adduser namauser
b. make the user become sudo
usermod -aG sudo username
- how to save the DOCKER FULL OS
8a. cek the docker container that runing
sudo docker ps -a
B. save the docker container into docker image
sudo docker container commit --pause=false id-container nama-image:label
sudo docker container commit --pause=false c092aa5afec0 kali-linux:kali-linux-joss
C. to exite the docker container
sudo docker stop id-container
D. tho run the docker container
sudo docker start id-container
E. to enter the running docker continer
sudo docker exec -it id-container bash
F. to erase the docker continer
sudo docker container rm -f id-container
G. to see the docker image
sudo docker images
H. to erase the docker image
sudo docker rmi -f id-image
I. to erase unessary docker image
sudo docker rmi $(docker images -qa -f ‘dangling=true’)
all that comman must run in host os not inside the docker full os
- how to access docker full os directly for host os
we can access the apps gui in docker full os from the host OS using clie , rofi or cairo dock
su user-name
apps name
su user-name
rofi -show run
select the apps
su user-name
- how to access docker full os FULL GUI / FULL DEKTOP directly for host os
2a. install xrdp server in docker full os
2b… edit nano /etc/xrpd/xrdp.ini
edit the xrdp’s port
2c. sudo service xrpd restart
2.d. install the xrdp clinet like remmina , etc
- run remina apps in the host os (server)
- how to make simple cloud gaming or cloud comping using docker full os
3a. install gnu linux os in other laptop (client’s laptop)
3b. install remmin client in client’s laptop
3c. run remmina xrdp client to start the cloud computing / cloud gaming :)
wine / lutris sometimes will error in docker full os, how to fix it
open lutris
setting the game with lutris
in the game menu , select wine regristry
edit the hcu -------> wine
add key X11 DRIVER
add string “UseXVidMode”=“N”
add string UseXVidMode -------> edit the VALUE to N
add string “UseXRandR”=“N”
add string UseXRandR -------> edit the VALUE to N
close wine
docker full os flatpak fix
a. enter root
b. install flatpak
apt install flatpak
c. install the flatpak components
apt install --yes appstream-util
G_DEBUG=fatal-criticals appstream-util validate-relax
d. work around
dbus-send --system /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus || dbus-daemon --system --fork
rm -fr run/dbus/pid
dbus-send --system /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus || dbus-daemon --system --fork
dbus-send --system /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus || dbus-daemon --system --fork
e. add flatpak flathub repo :)
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
f. install the flatpak apps
example peazip
flatpak install flathub io.github.peazip.PeaZip
g. run the flatpak’s apps in Mode user
su userid
flatpak run name-of-the-flapak’s-apps
flatpak run io.github.peazip.PeaZip
or we can run vaia the menu
this text is using the full creative common (cc) license
My Allah, The God bless you all. insya Allah ( by the God’s will )
gretting floss (free libre open source software) gnu linux :)
peace be upon you
This looks kind of interesting IMHO.
> kali linux
Very wordy, but kinda cool I guess.
In the datahoarder community some people do something similar to this to run Backblaze Desktop on Linux with WINE
Got a link to that? Does it fully work?
yes :) it’s working fine :)
Haven’t used it personally, but the repo is well documented
Oh that looks great
Or use distrobox
Gives me the feeling someone overengineered this a bit. You can grab a Fedora Silverblue copy and get more or less the same experience with
.yes of course :)
but docker full os is more flexyble and can be use as a simple cloud computing / simple cloud gaming :)