Is there some sort of book about what it would be like to kill one?
Excruciating is a strong word here.
Completely accurate though. I’ve had to see the emergency opthalmologist.
I had to see the emergency ornithologist.
Mock… (yeah)
ING (yeah)
BIRD (yeah)🎵
wHaT a MoCkInGbIrD lOoKs LiKe In ExCrUcIaTiNg DeTaIl
WhAt A mOcKiNgBiRd LoOkS lIkE iN eXcRuCiAtInG dEtAiL
This is a good meme
Nice Pic bro
My eyes! The detail! It hurts!
The goggles do nothing!
Get thee to ! !!
I didn’t even know that existed here
I’ve never seen feather patterns this clearly, amazing!
I actually just got this photo on a whim during COVID (April 2020) when birds loved making nests everywhere, so it’s shocking how much you can see here
With all this detail, you can see the pure malice behind its eyes.
I love mockingbirds, I’d love to see something this detailed of them in flight with those lovely white spots, but I imagine that’s not an easy shot to get
damn that’s a high resolution photo. You can zoom in on each tiny feather and keep zooming to see each molecule & atom.
Holy crap, you really can.
Nyah nyah.
See that look? That’s the look of an asshole. All mockingbirds are assholes. Just ask the one nested outside my window WHO WON’T SHUT THE FUCK UP!
You aren’t kidding. These bastards have attacked me and my dog like 10 times now. They’ve threatened us many more times. Fuck mockingbirds. Jerkiest animals I know
Too late maybe. :)
How about that bit of worm ass at the tip of the beak 🪱🐛
Wow! Is that a mocking bird?!