It’s 80/80 as expected
Russia is a fascist dictatorship.
The sky is blue.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
Vladimir Putin tightened his grip on power, claiming another six-year term as Russian president after a brutally distorted election in which all serious challengers were wiped out before voting began.
The result more than met the objective of an overwhelming victory to buttress Putin’s claim that Russians wholeheartedly back their leader and his invasion of Ukraine.
The election campaign, which saw three other candidates refrain from criticizing the president, was overshadowed by the death last month of Putin’s key opponent, Alexei Navalny.
Unusually large crowds were seen at polling stations across Russia, from the smallest Siberian towns to Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as at Russian embassies and consulates worldwide — from Phuket to Paris and Brussels.
“This is a great opportunity to create the appearance that there are people who are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, who are willing to unite for collective action, and there are many of them,” — said Daniel, who voted in the Russian consulate in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Ekaterina Duntsova and Boris Nadezhdin — two potential candidates who advocated for immediate peace negotiations and an end to the war — were barred from running against Putin in the contest.
The original article contains 720 words, the summary contains 198 words. Saved 72%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
The only surprise is that he hasn’t won by 187%.
Yeah, he’s down by about 40% of his usual vote. That must be all the dissidents!
88?? I can’t believe that, with all these candidates!!
ah yes posting “le gay bad” memes in response to a dictator who made the lives of queer people in the country he controls an actual hell
go back to fuckin r/conservative with that shit
It’s not “le gay bad”, but more-so the idea of turning Putin into a gay icon in direct opposition to his identity politics.
Also, yet unmentioned, Putin’s government BANNED use of that Putin in drag image because it hurt his sensitive ego.
How to ban image from internet?
send everyone who post it to siberia
north of the artic circle?
I’m pretty sure you misunderstood. Putin doesn’t like gays, so depicting him as one is bad. Doesn’t mean gays are bad
Most people understand that. But I don’t want to be associated with Putin even as a joke. Fuck him, he doesn’t deserve the honor of even being depicted as gay.
I’m not saying no one can make this joke, but it seems kinda lazy and relies too much on stereotypes to be funny imo
Sharing a sexuality doesn’t associate you with him any more than sharing a hair color or preference of fabric softener
But that’s the thing, I’m not sharing a sexuality with him. Someone made him look like a gay stereotype because he hates people like me.
And the whole point is the picture IS to associate him with the LGBT+ community, in an ironic way, to piss him off.
If he made being blonde illegal and threw blondes in jail, that would be a fair analogy. But he didn’t, so that’s a terrible analogy. I mean, there are people that discriminate based on appearance and they’re called racists. So if this was a picture of Trump but photoshopped to look stereotypically Chinese, maybe that would be more of an equivalent analogy
“OH my God. Putin is a man and so am I. I am so angry about this. Ahhhh.”
It’s not illegal to be a man anywhere in the world. There’s a deep sense of community with lgbt+ because it is, and has been, a struggle for most gay people. So when someone takes a photo of the very person who is discriminating against our community and makes it look like he’s a part of the community, it can hit a sore spot with some people.
Again, I’m not trying to tell people to stop and I get that some people see it differently. But every time I’ve seen someone post that image, someone will say how that image can be interpreted as being gay is a joke, or that saying someone is gay when they’re not is bad form. And everyone dog piles and mocks them or calls them sensitive, etc. I’m mostly disappointed that it’s the same here and most people don’t care to hear a different perspective
I’m tired of hearing people cry about being offended from every little thing. You’re literally being offended right now by a drag queen gay looking mockup of Putin, that Putin banned because it pisses him off. Grow some skin.
And there it is. I knew someone would say that. If you see me as a crying offended sjw with thin skin, then there’s no point in having this conversation. I laid out my differing perspective without being harsh or judgemental, all while feeling no offense.
Personally I’m tired of the right wing talking points that dismiss any different perspective as weak. I’m tired of communities like Lemmy becoming more divisive, with users seeing each other as enemies and not giving others the benefit of the doubt. I’m tired of typing out long comments that I put thought into, hoping people will respond like decent humans, and getting brain dead insults and defensive arguments.
I’ll make a deal with you, I’ll grow thicker skin if you grow some empathy.
The humour hits when you imagine how pissed off Putin would be about this image. Then you get to laugh again at his feeble attempt to ban an image on the intent when you learn about that part.
Yeah I can see how that’s funny. And I get the irony of the picture. I personally think it’s not in good taste, but I’m not trying to yuck anyone’s yum or cancel someone’s humor. Just explain why some of us don’t like it and try to understand why so many people downvoted the original person who disagreed.
It really seems to be getting more divisive and less welcoming on Lemmy the longer I’m here
It really seems to be getting more divisive and less welcoming on Lemmy the longer I’m here
Never tolerate intolerance.
If you don’t like people making fun of a dictator on a massive killing/kidnapping spree, this place is most definitely not for you…What?? That’s the weirdest way to twist my words I’ve seen. Please, make fun of him. I don’t tolerate his bigotry.
I’m saying there are good ways and bad ways to make fun of him. Some people, including me, think this isn’t the best way to do it. Some people think it is. But yeah, maybe this place isn’t for me. It’s becoming too much like reddit imo
Theyre using homophobia to mock a dictator. Which is still homophobia.
Using racism to depict Xi as a stereotypical Chinaman would still be racism, even if he is a dictator. Using antisemitic caricatures to depict Netanyahu as inherently untrustworthy would be antisemitic even if he is running a genocide with US weapons.
Stereotypes and slurs don’t become acceptable just because they’re used against our enemies. This image of Putin should be banned and any posts containing it should be removed under hate speech and anti-homophobia rules
It’s not lazy and it’s not supposed to be funny. The point is that he doesn’t like the image. It’s a big fuck you to Putin.
He doesn’t care about the image, and it is incredibly delusional to pretend that such a depiction has any significance to anyone but terminally online and chronically underemployed white Americans under 40.
Also, it is homophobic. If there is nothing wrong with being gay and crossdressing, then it is bigoted to portray our enemies as such as an insult.
Being gay isn’t an insult. Crossdressing isn’t an insult. Being trans isn’t an insult. Depicting Putin as such isn’t an insult.
All this does is further stigma against LGBT persons in the West. Is that your goal? Because that’s what is being done. And, ironically, it serves to further a goal that Putin supports - the increased stigmatization of LGBT life. You’re doing his work for him and are too narrow-minded to even realize it
Again, I understand the point is that he doesn’t like the image. My point is that there is more than one way to interpret the image, and they’re not all positive. And when some one points that out, they’re downvoted and mocked.
I say it’s lazy because I’ve been hearing people call straight people gay since elementary school. To piss them off. I don’t see how this is much different even if the intent was to criticize his homophobia. The effect is still the same
Also makes your question how accepted LGBT people actually are in the West, even among “liberals”, if this is what they think an insult is.
It reads as “Being gay is fine and good so long as you support our positions; but the minute you start opposing us, we will use your sexual identity as a weapon against you. Remember that.”
so Putin the Pooh it is? quick, someone get me some AI imagery
Hear me out
Do you want him to star in a remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show too?
Isn’t this a failure? He didn’t have any real opposition, 88% is an abysmal result.
Say you’re a dictator without saying you’re a dictator
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I just want to point out here that this is what many Trump voters are hoping for. If you’re a US citizen, please vote in November.
They’ve been pushing “both options suck so why bother” rhetoric really hard too. They know they can’t get people to vote for trump so their best bet is to get them not to vote
It sure would make it harder for them if both options didn’t indeed suck. Biden is light years better than Trump, but he’s still pretty much shit.
Australia solved this. We have to vote.
They also made it easy to vote - our main voting day is always a Saturday If you won’t be able to vote on that day for some reason, there are small polling places open for a couple of weeks ahead of that date.If you won’t be able to vote on that day for some reason, there are small polling places open for a couple of weeks ahead of that date.
For the record, early voting is an option in many US states, too, and it’s really expanded since COVID. In my state, you could go to any poll location to cast an early vote. It used to be you could only cast an early vote if you were going to be away from home in election day for a specific reason (college or military are the ones I remember, but there were other reasons, too), but it’s expanded so pretty much anyone can do early voting now. On election day, you have to go to your assigned poll location in order to vote if you don’t do early voting.
This varies by state, though. In any case, it’s getting easier to vote, and there are more options to be able to vote, but it’s not nationwide (yet, hopefully).
This is fantastic to hear. Now, you just need to be able to vote at any elementary school and get your democracy sausage and you’ll be voting like the professionals!
Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not (the sausage thing seems to imply you are), but all public schools (elementary, middle, and high school) are closed on election day so that they can act as polling locations. Many libraries also act as polling locations on election day.
Yes, to the point that
Shit like this will only continue
Have they voted yet, or is 88% what they decided the result is going to be?
If he’s going to lie he should lie big, like his pal in North Korea. Tell everyone he won with 189% of the total votes. Nobody outside his cult is going to believe him either way.
In Russia, the magic number is 146%.
Makes it easier for those liking Russia to pretend though. I think that’s the point.
It’s also polling for the government to give an idea of public sentiment.
“according to exit polls”
12% had an unfortunate accident after their exit poll.
Sure I can take exit poll comrade. But question first, why is poll conducted near vindow?
is for fresh air comrade. now please, take poll
when do you get to call a dictator a dictator? when he stops with the pretend elections?
Depends on the flavor of leftism he or she supports.
When you have nothing left to gain from acting like their friend?
I don’t think you have to wait.
He even was one when he didn‘t run for office. Hell most people don‘t even remember the name of Russia‘s other „President“ they had for 5 years. I for sure don‘t.
I think everyone knows the name, he’s kinda (in) famous lately with all the talk about nuking Europe and stuff. It’s Medvedev.
For Putin specifically, 2008.
When they decide they should be the president until they die and make it legal. Putin has reached that milestone a while ago.
The Constitution of Russia was adopted in 1993, limiting the President of Russia to no more than two consecutive four year terms. Boris Yeltsin was the incumbent president when the constitution came into effect and had already served for over two years. Yelstin was reelected in 1996, but he resigned near the end of his term in 1999, and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin served for the remainder of Yeltsin’s term as acting president. Putin was elected to a full term in 2000 and reelected in 2004.
Putin was not constitutionally permitted to run for reelection in 2008, so he endorsed First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who went on to become the next president. The day after Medvedev’s inauguration, he appointed Putin as Prime Minister of Russia. While Putin did not hold the office of president for the following four years, he held de facto control over the country’s executive, extending his tenure beyond what term limits would normally allow.
The Constitution was amended in 2008, expanding the presidential term from four to six years following the 2012 election. Having been removed from the office of the presidency for a term, Putin was constitutionally eligible to run again and was elected president in 2012 and then reelected in 2018. The Constitution was amended in 2020 to reset the number of terms Putin has served, allowing him to circumvent term limits in the 2024 and 2030 elections, enabling him to legally stay in office until 2036.
So I guess he first broke the rules in 2004 if you count his time as acting president, but I think it’s no longer up for debate after 2008.
I wouldn’t count the part where he was acting president instead of Yeltsin, but yeah, since 2008 he’s stopped being sneaky about wanting to be a dictator.
Election, my arse 🤦🏻♂️
This is stability that long-term planners appreciate.
oh shit i didn’t even spot it, was right in front of us
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Zheil Zhitler!Жeil Жitler!
88 isn’t just an American thing. I’ll agree it’s unlikely, but it’s not because it’s only an American thing.
Yeah because the Russian propaganda machines aren’t very, very aware of and in communication or control of modern fascist movements.
It’s also amateur radio slang. Not everything is about Neo-Nazis.
But to another commenter - Russian Neo-Nazis use 1488 too.
The link wasn’t working but I found what I think is being shared.
Neo-Nazis also employ various number symbols:
18, code for Adolf Hitler. The number comes from the position of the letters in the alphabet: A = 1, H = 8.[11]
88, code for “Heil Hitler”, a phrase used in the Nazi salute.[12] Also used as a reference to the “88 Precepts”, a manifesto written by white supremacist David Lane.
14, from the Fourteen Words coined by David Lane: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”[13]
14 and 88 are sometimes combined with each other (i.e. 14/88, 8814, 1488).[14] They are also sometimes depicted on dice.[15]
Managed Democracy carefully selected the best candidate for each citizen to vote for. According to the best algorithms.