Main image alt text: picture of processed fermented blueberries in random dishes and pans.

I was going to use the blueberries. They tasted interesting. I started them on 2/23 and today is 3/23. After processing I tried to strain them. The resulting material has no flavor, but the juice is unique and savory. However, it does not taste like blueberries it has a unique and interesting flavor.

image of processed pico de gallo after fermentation

Pico de Gallo, was exactly the opposite. It also has a weird unique savory but more spicy flavor. After straining it, the juice has no flavor, but the solid materials are much stronger and interesting.

Further experimentation is required. I am posting to tap into the experience pool here to gain any insight possible.

    11 months ago

    I’m curious why you would want to ferment both pico de gallo, which is essentially a fresh salsa, and blueberries? Were you trying to preserve them or something? Some context is missing here. Maybe someone else can be of more help. You have piqued my interest though.