I used to think if these people did the dumb things they would die before having any impact on the rest of us.
I say we let natural selection take its course
Plz don’t, I work retail.
Lemmy hating on the raw food movement now?
Claims held by raw food proponents include:
- That heating food above 104–118 °F (40–48 °C) degrades enzymes in raw food that aid digestion, when in fact enzymes in food play no significant role in the digestive process, prior to being digested themselves.
- That raw foods have higher nutrient values than foods that have been cooked, when in fact cooking affects nutrient contents variably – depending on the plant food and cooking method – and may actually increase availability of fat-based nutrients, such as vitamin E and beta-carotene.
- That foods cooked at high temperatures, especially meat, may contain harmful toxins, including trans fatty acids produced by heating oil, acrylamide produced by frying, advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Not all cooked food contains harmful chemicals, and a diet containing a mix of cooked and raw food is normal. According to the American Cancer Society, it is not clear as of 2019 whether acrylamide consumption affects the risk of cancer. Public health authorities recommend reducing consumption of overly cooked starchy foods or meats.
Health effects
A raw food diet is likely to impair the development of children and infants. Care is required in planning a raw vegan diet, especially for children, as there may not be enough vitamin B12, vitamin D, and calories for a growing child on a totally raw vegan diet.
Food poisoning is a health risk for all people eating raw foods, and increased demand for raw foods is associated with greater incidence of foodborne illness,especially for raw meat, fish, and shellfish. Outbreaks of gastroenteritis among consumers of raw and undercooked animal products (including smoked, pickled or dried animal products) are well-documented, and include raw meat, raw organ meat, raw fish (whether ocean-going or freshwater), shellfish, raw milk and products made from raw milk, and raw eggs.
One review stated that “Many raw foods are toxic and only become safe after they have been cooked. Some raw foods contain substances that destroy vitamins, interfere with digestive enzymes or damage the walls of the intestine. Raw meat can be contaminated with bacteria which would be destroyed by cooking; raw fish can contain substances that interfere with vitamin B1 (anti-thiaminases)”
I don’t speak for all of lemmy, but yeah I think I am going to hate on the raw food movement
I’ve been hating on the raw food movement for much longer than lemmy even existed. Drinking raw milk is especially stupid.
This isn’t hating on raw food movement, this is like having a water main break and being advised to boil and/or filter water before drinking it.
A lot of dairy cows are infected with a new virus. Raw/unpasteurized milk has a greater chance if transmission to those consuming it. Recommended to refrain from consuming raw milk until there is no longer such a high rate of infection…
I’m pretty sure what I drank daily for 18 years now, sometimes 4l+, was raw milk. And I did not have any problems.
You’re missing the point and you’re probably wrong.
ok, I’ll try:
What is “explosive diarrhea on a daily basis so you don’t think there is a problem?”
Oh I know this one:
What is “Gambler’s Fallacy” or “Survivorship bias.”
America has the best education in the world.
Still unlikely to develop human to human transmission this way.
Good news! The mortality rate is so high it’s unlikely to spread as far as COVID!
Papa nurgle smiles upon mankind, i guess.
MAGA tards: ivermectin on one hand, industrial raw milk in the other
Easy to point the finger at everyone doing this, but every person who continues buying and consuming animal products are still most primarily to blame for this situation.
If this does become a new pandemic, we might be talking about an unprecedented ~50% of the human population killed. A real life Thanos event. Thanks omnivores.
At least you are straightforward with your username.
I happen to think Militant Vegans should be eaten or composted but even I will agree that your first sentence is broadly correct. Industrialized agriculture and CAFO operations are to blame for this so you can generally say that consuming animal products is to blame.
Your second point is highly speculative and not based on any factual evidence. The speculated worst case scenario seems to be maybe 20x COVID-19, or 140 million worldwide.
As a vegan, I should think you’d celebrate even that high rate of attrition. It would mean, overall, far fewer delicious animals being consumed.
It’s sad that bACoN means more to people than the very lives of their loved ones on top of all the moral atrocities inherent in animal ag.
The top reason I don’t have hope for the future. People don’t care if the world burns and disease runs rampant if it means they get their tendies right now.
That’s totally how human to human transmission is going to start.
That’s not why raw milk is purchased, and gizmodo guy is truly an idiot.
Most of the pastuerized milk being sold is also processed in other ways, for example it is homogenised with milk powder to bring fat content to a standardized level.
Raw milk = non-homogenised milk = pure milk/natural milk
And raw milk is boiled and then cooled (superior to pasturisation) in domestic setting, before consumption.
My milkshake brings all the boys to graveyard
And they’re like, it’s better than SARS.
It can be passed from mammary glands? That’s… Oh it must be on the skin and getting mixed into the product…
Natural selection: