We’re all gonna end up in one of those aren’t we…
Crowds contribuitions are what they know it will always work.
There will be enough ignorant and people lacking basic knowledge of the devices they use (or install in their homes) that will eventually give up everyones data/identity/etc.
So even if you do everything perfect and have the reaources in terms of concealing your privacy or (what remained of it) the first time you meet your girlfriend and have dinner along with her iPhone all your work vanishes in a microsecond.
This is most frustrating to people who know what i’m talking about!
What you can do? Make people responsible, teach them!
BTW: I’m offering part of my little time to anyone who wants to better understand what happens with and in their “smartphone”. Just drop a question and will try to answer to the best of my abilities. Monero accepted 🙂
If you’ve ever been to a casino in the last 15 years you are already in at least one
They’ve already got you if you’ve been to an airport and, depending on where you live, protest, large sporting event or just walked down a street with CCTV cameras
Yeah but there’s no reason to make it easy for them. Every picture of you they don’t have is one less to add to their data.
I’m glad at least some people still think straight! Thanks mate!
Dang. Yeah I don’t feel good about putting pictures online anymore for this reason
I’m switching to an exclusively dick pics posting policy. Thankfully X is now supporting me in this move.
Next step: AI that finds a person based on a picture of their pecker
Hope you’ve never gotten an ID picture also
Yeah don’t feel great about past stuff either, thanks