But 1+1 is 5. I’m sick and tried of people pretending 1+1=1. The sum is always bigger than each of their addends. How do people not get that
it’s clearly 3, stop spreading misinformation
Let’s just agree that it’s an odd number
… For sufficiently large values of 1.
Are you Terrance Howard?
Many such cases.
is that next level Bionic Reading?
Why ARE WE randomly capitalizing CERTAIN WORDS for no APPARENT reason?
It feels kinda like how comic books bold words for emphasis, and just about as randomly applied
You put the em-PHA-sis n the wrong syl-A-byl.
YOU’RE absolutely correct, ENJOY.
It’s definitely the next level of bionic reading.
BECAUSE if we leave too much SPACE between capitalized KEYWORDS they blend TOGETHER, we get BORED and stop reading the SENTENCE
It’s too bad it’s UGLY because you’re RIGHT this was much easier to READ
Why does this read like a Trump campaign email/text
I really want to know who entered my info into their system so I can bludgeon them with a rusty chain, there is no opting out lol
I don’t know your cysec practices so I can’t address the second paragraph, but to answer the first question - this is probably the reason
Typography hell
YeAh. We ShOuLd CaPiTaLiZe EvErY oThEr LeTtEr InStEaD.
YOU’RE absolutely correct, ENJOY.
They even capitalised the NUMBERS
That’s probably not a bad approach in general, but sometimes shit matters.
Well, he is an actor…
Now you have an engineer do that. Boeing?
Engineer: “If speed == slow, do nose down”
QA engineer: “But what if the not redundant sensor if faulty?”
Engineer: “Good is good enough, I have more to do and deadlines to catch”
QA engineer: “You’re absolutely correct, ENJOY!”
Your missing the part in the middle where you spend 6 months telling them in no uncertain terms that the thing they are asking is stupid and will not work properly/safely.
Various back and forth emails, a completely “justified” performance review program because of your “falling standards” and several meetings with various managers at different levels of “importance”.
Also the “You’re absolutely correct, ENJOY” is written at the bottom of your resignation letter or told to them directly in your “redundancy” exit interview.
I’ve always been like this. Sadly my wife finds controversy at every turn and I get dragged in.
Wait that 5 is a float and hasn’t been declared!
Someone is surely gonna use it later
Are arguments really that bad? I think this is a rather cynical point of view. I don’t want to reach this stage.
Friendly debates can be a healthy thing. Angry, heated, bitter arguments? Yeah, I’d argue they aren’t too great for your mental health.
That’s true, but if you’re letting it get to angry heated bitter arguments, that’s at least partly your fault. With an open mind and a friendly attitude you can mostly avoid those.
When the usual response to lets say… climate change, is nothing more than shouting how u r a commie (which yes, i am one), spreading goverment lies, and how the vaccines r gonna give their child autism…
I just don’t waste my energy in something so futile, its their religion. And a confrontation about BELIEFS (at least for them) is gonna end up no where.
So yeah, its just understanding how sometimes its better to only see them with disgust and walk away.
wow that’s bleak. Very few people around me share my political beliefs, but they certainly don’t disgust me. One of my colleagues beliefs every conspiracy in the book, she’s at the total other end of the spectrum when it comes to most arguments, but I’ve also noticed that she is the sweetest nurse I know, treating patients with empathy and compassion. Rather than coming to the point where you avoid arguments, I think people should develop the ability to have differences of opinion without being revolted by the other. An opinion doesn’t define who or what someone is in the slightest.
Maybe u r right, im gonna try to be friends next time i see a white supremacist, its not like that kind of ideologies can and already have taken lives.
Edit to add pizzagate since theres dead pleople thx to that stupidity, and antivaxxers in general since not only they kill themselfs, but also anyone around them, especially their kids, etc, etc, etc. Even those Th3 EaRtH 1S fiAt DuD3 have been killing themselfs.
In a real job you suffer the consequences of letting something stupid happen.
Yes and no. Sometimes letting someone be stupid means they’re quickly replaced by someone hopefully less stupid.
What happens when the stupid person is in charge of hiring?
They hired you, didn’t they?
Then they hire someone more stupid so they can appear to be smart. Which makes it a smart move, which means they’re smart.
Unless they’re your manager. Then they stay forever or get promoted.
Pff, past jobs I’ve been at, you got written up for not doing the stupid thing(policy related, nothing that would put you in actual danger).
True, but I don’t think Keanu here is giving career advancement advice
Only the stupidity that affects your work directly.
More things are a boomerang than you think.
Australian mythbusters: let’s check this out.
Jokes aside, I think you are right.
You only need to have evidence of how it wasn’t ur fault, easy as that.
Right, so there’s very few middle management or C Suite jobs, got it.
This may explain why everyone likes him
Oops! All Doublespeak
deleted by creator
I have died on dumber hills than arguing against 1 + 1 = 5.
I have died on dumber hills than arguing for 1 + 1 = 5.
A couple of classics:
- Limmy’s Show: Whats heavier a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers
- Bodybuilding forum: Full Body Workout Every Other Day?
deleted by creator
oh my god thanks for linking that, the full body workout thread is truly painful!
That full body workout took me days to read the last time. I felt like I was watching an epic soap opera and was trying to track all the characters until I realized that they all just needed to hug and communicate better
It was going so well until they started about the day count, and I already knew it was over. I hope they’re doing okay now.
What’s the tldr?
They can’t reach agreement on how many days there are in a week, and everybody is calling everybody else fucking retards while doing it.
Oh gosh, I’m not sure I could even sift my way through that much toxic masculinity and confidently-incorrect content to even derive a coherent tldr. I guess that everyone is wrong and this 16-year-old post now only serves as a mile marker on the unfortunate decline of online courtesy?
You’re better off just watching the video linked by @fahfahfahfah@lemmy.billiam.net
Jon bois made a great “documentary” about it: https://youtu.be/eECjjLNAOd4?si=6e4WHk9qCKp5oq0z
This is O’Brien type stuff
I really like this and will embrace it going forward. I have nothing to gain by engaging with nonsense.
He’d get along well with Terrance Howard.