The internet often makes me wish I was funny enough to think of an analogy that involves babies and cannons. This is another example.
Would make monster truck rallies much more controversial…
Wait until I bring my baseball bat to the rally.
Um… There may not always be male and female plants, but pollen is definitely the ‘male’ form of a haploid gamete, and nearly perfectly analogous to sperm. The link should be able to take you to every part you’d not want to know about plants. Allergies are normal. People who don’t have allergies are the freaks, because their bodies don’t care that the tree is trying to have sex with their nose.
Hell, the part of the fruit that you eat is often the plant sperm that didn’t fertilize the plant egg. Pollen contains a second plant sperm that fertilizes a different part of the female plant and creates all the juicy goodness you ingest. You can read about it here.
Now, the dandelion is formed seeds, sure. So baby cannon it is. /shrug
Thanks for the wisdom!
You can say what you want but I recently watched a video of someone pollinating pumpkins and it legit felt kinda dirty lol