Make this the punishment for producing litter producs as well. Fuck Temu with a rusty pipe.
San Francisco needs this so much.
Kerala needs it too
If you like: The death penalty for littering
Then you should try: Saudi Arabia
I think they’re onto something
Nono, they are on top of something.
And that something is fucking massive oil reservoirs.I really hope you’re joking
A country famous for its pristine wilderness and eco-friendly economy.
Or Singapore and chewing gum.
Make the recycling deposit a dollar, pin it to inflation, and put it on everything.
That would probably also solve overconsumption, since you could only buy so much of anything before literally running out of dollars to deposit.
That would make having a mountain of long lived useless trash a solid inflation safe investment plan.
Can’t wait to start counterfeiting milk jugs
As long as their useless trash is in their garage and not scattered on the highway I think that’s still an improvement.
Even if it was scattered everywhere you would definitely have people pick it back up for the deposit. That works with bottles in Germany and the deposit for them gets as low as 8ct.
Why would it be inflation safe?
Because the deposit is tied to inflation. Older products might end up with way outdated deposits if you print the sum on the packaging, so it would have to be token based. The token is then inflation safe.
It seems trivial to tie the token to a sale date. The future deposits on future purchases will keep pace with inflation because the deposits will increase, but you only get back the deposit you put in at time of purchase.
Even if the deposit on bottles is $2 in 2035, if you bought when they were $1 they won’t accrue value by sitting in your garage.
And how exactly would you do that? One giant database of sales that everyone just has access to? Print it on the thing at time of sale? I can’t see any trivial solution, I’d be interested in yours tho!
I don’t see why everyone needs access, it could just be kept with the Department of Energy (or whoever would be in charge of the proposed universal deposit program). Accessing it would require a court order, just like digging through someone’s trash.
Although that said, an open database of every single purchase would have all sorts of uses!
For instance, if someone litters, the authorities could track the unique code to the purchase and then… well. 🙂
*Subjunctive Mood
*This makes me irrationally angry
I didn’t learn “moods” in HS Grammar, but it still
makes me feel weird.Correction:
- Used to make me feel weird until I got bombarded with so much of it (even the recommendations in GBoard do similar stuff) that I got accustomed.
- I haven’t used Grammarly outside of the “let’s check it out” stage, but I have a feeling, that would do similar stuff.
I mean, watching a guy in a muscle car throw trash out his car at the intersection near my home, I’m for it. It ain’t so much the littering, it’s the type of people who litter. Lol
Also, you should know that complaining about Opportunity’s laws is considered verbal littering!
And by “littering” you also mean uncontrolled dumping of chemicals into our air and waterways too, right?
This. teaching kids to pick up their trash and dispose properly, raises kids that understand that the environment can be polluted and we need to be stewards
Why not just show a picture of UAE? Looks identical but with trucks filled with poop leaving the Burj Khalifa instead of flying cars.
And don’t forget the numerous and repeated human rights violations!
deleted by creator
For example interrogation, torture and execution of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who didn’t want to (metaphorically) suck the crown prince’s tiny pecker. Oh, and also the slavery and continuing to basically treat women as second class citizens…
Agree with your entire sentiment but wanted to note that Khashoggi was tortured and executed by Saudi Arabia, not the UAE. Same area geographically and relatively similar politics and human rights record, but UAE is not run by MBS.
Totally agree about the slavery and women’s rights etc tho.
Slave, no free speech, jailed even kill anyone that express negatively against the GOV, treated workers that bulit their country like trash, torture…
Singapore is also beautiful, they slap you with a cane for littering.
Please Litter Tsar, add tagging to your death penalty list.
I’m sure that weird little pod thing in the middle is actually next to the ring road in Manchester.
That doest look like Singapore at all?
Ahh yes, its the thrown sandwich wrapper thats the problem not the 2 tonnes of metal and plastics belching pollutants that kill millions and are a massive ci tributir to global warming out the back whike driving down a concrete and asphlat road.
I remember long ago reading something where an enviromentalist who was driving home with a friend along the highway and the friend opined how their enviromwntalist friend must be disappointed with humanity seeing all this litter along the road edge and the environmentalist replied that the litter wasn’t the problem, the road was.
Looks litter free /s
frankly cars and roads also make me irrationally mad
besides tire spikes, we ought to consider the death penalty for driving a car too /hj
Eww, there’s like hardly any trees. 🤮
Okay, but only if these guys show up to arrest me.
what are the odds, i watched that episode only a few days ago
Improbability principle states that the odds are fairly high. Highly unlikely events happen all the time, and as a sum of all the events it becomes a high chance. Among the masses, someone probably watched that episode and someone is going to post about that episode. Both happening together isn’t unlikely but highly probable because there are so many individual probabilities combining together due to many actors.
Well that plus Lemmy is predominantly trekkers.