Their food looks a lot like their porn!
If Reddit was still a thing this would be perfect for r/foodporn
Super cool art! But is it regular to put the onion, tomato etc under the burger patty?? That’s really messing with me…
That is actually the correct way to do it. Mayo on the bottom bun then lettuce and tomato and then the meat. This way the meat juices dont make the bottom bun soggy.
But you can do it however you want. I prefer the lettuce, tomato and onion to be in the garbage.
I agree lettuce, tomato, and onion don’t deserve to be on anything or by themselves. Although salad is good with lettuce and dressing
Normally when I buy a burger somewhere I eat the lettus, tomato and pickled individually and throw the onion away. Then eat the burger. But it makes more of a statement to just say they all should go in the trash! :)