Does a pocket protector count as clothing?
Does a pocket protector count as clothing?
What am I looking at exactly? I see a cropped image, and mastodon is under 70%. Based on an educated guess and nothing more, I’m going to guess what you’re trying to convay is that in the pie that represents the total fediverse, mastodon used to account for more than 70%, and now smaller services are growing. So mastodons total pie share shrinks, as the pie grows in other areas.
Is that about what you’re trying to say? Or am I way off?
Pssshhhhh, bezos money is all digital.
Can we get it to hack chicago television stations and spank people live on air, and complain about democrats (if I’m remembering it right) before babbling into being completely incoherant?
My mom is 75. She knows nothing about how cell phones work. She thinks to charge your phone you need to turn the phone off first.
She doesn’t understand that airplane mode turns off your voice and data radios.
She holds the phone like a star trek communicator, NOT on speaker, and then complains she can barely hear you.
I think the boomers brains are just mush.
Edit: forgot to mention she turns the airplane mode ON and then turns the whole phone OFF. Once it’s off, that’s when she plugs it in.
Then she complains that turning her phone on always takes a while. My brother in law installed an app that just turns airplane mode off upon boot. That “taking a while” is the radios turning back on.
Otherwise, she used to call him from her landline (yeah) weekly to say her phone was broken. Everhtime it was just still in airplane mode. She does what she wants, doesn’t understand any of it, and you can’t explain it or talk her out of doing it her way.
…and people on this site were trying to convince me to teach her linux. Hell I don’t even know what I’m doing on linux. That would be like the blind leading the stubborn.
Oh god, I can’t tell if that would be an epic prank, or a traumatizing nightmare.
Your teacher gets a cop, and all your classmates to go in it. Everyone acts like you did it.
Then a cop comes in, and arrests you. Throws you into the back of his car…then DRIVES YOU TO DISNEY WORLD!!!
Which, might be kind of a long drive now that I think about it. I have no idea where you lived in 1995.
In roman times they used to chain link slaves together by the necks and ankles. Then they’d scoop out the eyes of everyone who isn’t the first in the chain.
Today, we not only don’t have slaves (well, except for prison, but thats another conversation) but the idea of scooping out anothers eyes is horrific sounding, rather than just the norm.
Why does EVERYONE forget about the oklahoma city bombings???
Unless you’re Micheal Jordan…or Stone Cold Steve Austin…or Goldberg…or…
You should talk in a happy, but slow voice, and walk/move in slow motion. And get your room mate to do it too.
Hhhhheeeyyyyy bbbbbuuuuudddddyyyyy. Yyyooouuuuu wwwaaaannnnnaaaa ggggooooo ffffoooorrrrr aaaaa wwwaaaallllkkkk?
Glass Joe vs Mahamad Ali.
3 different accounts…all the same guy…
I liked yahooIM and AIM, but I also had MSN Messanger.
I liked YIMs buzz feature. Imagine no matter what you’re doing, the audio mutes for a brief second, you hear a loud doorbell, and your whole screen, not just yahooIM, YOU COULD EVEN HAVE THE WINDOW MINIMIZED!!! Your whole screen would shake.
It was very intrusive. I loved it.
Unless you’re myspace. Myspace was great, until facebook just suddenly existed, and took over. Felt like it went from never hearing of facebook in 2006, to 2007 myspace is basically dead.
I think it will take another generation before the boomers
wake updie.
Bigger question. Honest question.
Why are YOU still there???
Ooooooooo, I love your username! A username like that deserves a ticket on the number nine!