Uhmm you said you type “offense shit”. That means if an employee reads that just adds to their already awful day. Especially if what you write particularly awful.
Btw you are not the only person likely typing awful stuff in that text box
She/her anticapitalist
Uhmm you said you type “offense shit”. That means if an employee reads that just adds to their already awful day. Especially if what you write particularly awful.
Btw you are not the only person likely typing awful stuff in that text box
100% used to use this before i left windows. I think i even bought the software
An underpaid employee has to read that though
I was into coding (javascript) but nope they are unwilling to find creative new ways to help teach people, gotta be a nonseical “one size fits all”
Sorry you were put through that. Aggressions are no place for learning
My family and school were god awful at teaching. It was all forced (rote memorisation) learning and not me actually learning. I needed things taught slowly and broken down. I have wanted to learn the more advanced technical maths long ago, but now I am an adult and need to find a safe, quite and gentle environment where i can
anybody reading this, please do not give suggestions or advice in replies. thank you.
I remember this video… I also remember katieTheSinger123/Katie12231… Hope she’s ok now. People were awful to her. :(
Neither am i. Find them annoying, unless they are trying to be educational.
I think the same too & in a way it has.
Omg that always bugged the ever loving heck outta me.