Bluesky people
Bluesky people
I would have never been able to get into this site
This is a really good point.
Birds aren’t real
I don’t know if the teacher is available for everybody but you can block this account. I’m going to do that right now so I don’t have to see this anymore. This alone makes me hate ground news calling the guardian mixed on factual reporting. Unless somebody knows something I don’t. besides just being a left leaning news source.
Edit: I haven’t been informed it’s not ground news questioning the factuality and downloading is actually a better tactic because it lets them know it’s unwanted.
Tell me Jimmy, have you ever seen a grown man naked?
Wow, that was a bad one. User name check out? Lol
So from is in the left because there is for letters in left and four in fork. So what side does the gun go?
You can disable it in the registry. H key local machine, software, policy, microsoft, windows, OneDrive, disable sync value change from 0 to 1 and it will turn it off. I may be a little off this was just from memory.
You need some kind of vent fan to blow that air out of there. Like a thermostat attic fan for example, In the garage. I’ve seen people crack a window if you got it. Crack the garage door or back/side door when you’re home. Nothing is going to get rid of that heat except some ventilation of some kind.
Not always homey, but, not really the point.
That’s fair. It’s unfortunate.
You just got me free music, I couldn’t afford it anymore so I have to drop it. Thank you
Instead I’m putting great energy to get away from Google, along with a lot of other people
Unobtainable, you got that right.
Completely agree, you can wear a dress, leggings, a blouse, style your hair, but, I’m sitting hear in my boring uncomfortable pants and t shirt. I completely agree with everything your saying.
This is time machine :( lol
Edit. Android
Bluesky is an alternative to the platform formally known as Twitter. It’s created by former Twitter developers and former Twitter CEO. If you’re looking for an alternative that currently doesn’t sell your data, this is a good place to go.
Edit: I’ll be honest, not sure why I got down voted are we not supposed to support Bluesky or other platforms on here? I’ll stop if that is the case