Scary in what context? For the user? For you as the host? Something else I’m not thinking of?
Scary in what context? For the user? For you as the host? Something else I’m not thinking of?
I’ve never witnessed someone pouring chemicals into a river. I guess that means no laws are needed in this regard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I don’t understand. No law prevents anyone from doing what’s forbidden. Are you saying all laws are futile? Otherwise what is different with this law that makes it futile?
Also, we usually can do many things at once or in succession. We can raise prices on sugary food, start programs to inform the public about the impact sugar has on health, make school lunches more healthy etc. Would you complain that it is futile raising prices if it was the first thing proposed or would you say “Good, let’s do this and also the other things.”?
You missed the point while drawing your circular argument.
Take what you said and replace fly with human. Wait here I’ll do it for you:
If a human lacks agency, you would be able to predict its movement given a sufficiently accurate set of information.
If it has agency, you could not.
Now tell me how you will acquire a sufficiently accurate set of information about a human and its environment to test your hypothesis.
I don’t understand what you are getting at. You are either saying that you can predict where a fly is going to go when you set it free or you are saying that a fly has internal agency.
That said, we contain the ability to observe and react to our surroundings which causes a large and complex web of interactions that aren’t trivial to map or anticipate.
That unpredictablity is what we ultimately define as freedom.
How does higher uncertainty of my choices achieving what I strive for raise the perception of freedom of said choice?
Your „free“ option just requires buying hardware that enables all of it and an intensive setup process and knowledge which might be quite time consuming.
It may be a good solution but it’s far from free for many people.
Now combine them and call the wielder Captain Protest