I still have my black jeans with the fire decal going up the leg!
I still have my black jeans with the fire decal going up the leg!
Yeah, you may be good to go, structurally. I think most modern chimney liners are ceramic. I struggle with drafting issues, aka getting smoke to go out.
Awesome, love to see true patriots stand up for the truth. They can’t steal our country!
Does it freeze in winter where you live? Ice expands as it forms and this can do damage to masonry. Since your chimney is open to atmosphere, rain water probably evaporates faster than it accumulates. It may be persistently damp in there though, which means mold. Nothing a bleach solution in a spray bottle can’t fix.
I only use memmy on iOS and the search function is great.
Stay weird Portlandia!
All product pricing is a complicated result of the economy. Thankfully scarcity is not a significant factor.
The problem is also the solution! Many great people will work very hard to solve the problem, you needn’t fret about it. Just keep your door dash app up to date.
I don’t know. I’m just grateful for my wonderful life! What are you thankful for?
I cry every time…
True but employee #849004 at Intel keeps their system producing for us.
Have you gone hungry lately, or are you struggling to shed a few kilos like most of us?
Supermarkets haven’t been around that long. The wide variety we satisfy our picky apppetites with is miraculous!
A great business opportunity, go for it!
The weather is beautiful where I live. There’s plenty of room if you don’t mind having cows as neighbors.
You should get out more. Most of the world is beautiful. Look for the good and you will find it!
I think their accomplishments weigh favorably in the balance
Instead of groiping about problems all the time, we should also be thankful for all the great things they invented, like microchips and food abundance.
Inflation is transitory, and it is Trump’s fault for overheating the economy anyways.