Litterally watching this right now as i scrolled past this post. Technology connections is a great channel.
Litterally watching this right now as i scrolled past this post. Technology connections is a great channel.
Going to see Oppenheimer in imax soon and this post got me researching about imax and fake imax and now im a little disappointed that the imwx theater im going to is just digital imax (fake imax). Oh well :/
Is this something thats actually in the reddit ranking system. I.e reddit will activly push posts/comments from high karma accounts higher? Or just that high karma accounts tend to get more upvotes, etc ?
While there is definitely a bunch of content popping up now thanks to to influx of actuve users, there still are some more niche communities that were pretty active on old reddit that i guess just can get to critical mass on lemmy and so are pretty dead. I hope that can change going into the future though.
Im no tree expert, but if its japan, it might be a camphor tree ? The way the branchs are angled looks similar https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camphora_officinarum
Certain [camphor] trees in Japan are considered sacred. An example of the importance of a sacred tree is the 700-year old camphor growing in the middle of Kayashima Station. Locals protested against moving the tree when the railway station had to be expanded, so the station was built around
It would be interesting to have a poll on how many people really would want reddit-style karma on lemmy. I suspect it wouldn’t be that high
How fast can one really read 6000 post ? Assuming you read 100 post a minute, is that 1 hour of usage before getting cut off for the day? I dont really have a feeling how many posts a normal twitter user would go through in a minute.
Go lemmy, cant wait for sync for lemmy to come out too!
There was a hank green video about this a year back. Video link here, the tldr was that container ships used to use a type of fuel that was both bad for the environment but also really good at cloud seeding. More clouds shielded the oceans surface from the sun, artificially reducing its temperature. But in 2020 regulations made container ships move to a fuel that didnt seed clouds as much, so fewer clouds, higher temperature.
So i guess one potential take away from that, if its right, is that the temperatures are not “suddenly” getting worse, but rather have been artificially depressed and we are only now going to what it should be.