I’m paying for the hosting of my single user instance.
I’m paying for the hosting of my single user instance.
“He is a witch!”
Then I have a great nostalgia tip for you, watch the K-drama called Replay 1988: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5182866/
My thinking was in the lines why they are doing in Germany too. They say look what the fashists did, never again! Same message would make sense in today’s Israel too.
I remember the IDF didn’t let me in to the Muslim part of the old city, even though I’m an atheist, grown up as catholic.
Are you saying German holocaust survivers should only protest German fashists and not Israeli fashists because if they do then they associate the Holocaust with Israel and thus help Netanjahu with it?
I have a hard time understanding your position.
That’s good, I’m just hoping they could go together with the holocaust survivers who live in Israel and be role models there too, god knows we need them there too.
The persons great grandfather died in Auschwitz because he was fighting for a independent Silesia.
But yeah, …
This is how it looks like to be in the wrong side of history.
If Israel goes out of Gaza the whole war was meaningless for them, similar to Ukraine’s demands for Russia to give back everything. I don’t think they can do that, that would be political suicide at home for them.
I hope they will be able to do the same for the Israeli youth, because there the theocratic fashists are in power right now already.
I mean if Hamas orders a ice-latte you need to deliver, they were so nice starting the war for you so you could do your genocide, so that is the least you can do for them. /s
Probably, but I’d need to understand the database schema for it. Don’t really have time for that.
I just put everyone’s first name there as the username for the whole family.
It’s really annoying that the unique identifier is the username and domain instead of an ID. My fiance switched her nationality and therefore her legal name, but there is no way to change it in PeerTube where I made an account for her. OK theoretically we can create a new account and change the ownership of each of her videos but there are hundreds of them.
He is probably an antisemit! /s
It looks like ham slippers.
Yeah something like the CX22 https://www.hetzner.com/cloud/ which is € 4.51 / month is enough for lemmy.
What I do instead is I host a series of services on my VPS and I pay about 20 EUR/month
and I probably forgot some things.