why did i sing this to the tune of “here comes the bride”
why did i sing this to the tune of “here comes the bride”
i did the reverse. deleted my facebook years ago but holding onto my instagram for now. i hardly use it anymore but it’s nice to keep in contact with old friends, but i’m on the fringe of deleting it
all hail the mighty ramen_lord. his work and testing is EXTENSIVE and it’s about as close as you can get to authentic japanese ramen if you pair tare, broth, and toppings appropriately (he has authentic pairings listed within the book for traditional, regional, and new wave bowls).
yes! also some smashed garlic cloves. i love garlic so sometimes i’ll add it in the egg marinade.
for the chashu, this was my bowl. i did the same thing you described, followed by broiling it for a crackly exterior, then cooled it and sliced it and cooked the slices in the oven with some leftover marinade right before serving. during the cooling and slicing, some parts were so fall-apart tender that i got some slices that almost looked like thick slabs of bacon and i took those pieces for myself. left the pretty pieces to my friends i was serving haha
yeah they are marinated!
braised in the oven in the marinade, cooled to room temp, then in the fridge. then sliced and broiled in the oven just before plating.
i largely used the ramen lords book of ramen here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1qLPoLxek3WLQJDtU6i3300_0nNioqeYXi7vESrtNvjQ/mobilebasic#heading=h.dy0ge0mcn18h
also i personally like a little spice so i put some chili oil on it as well
i largely used the ramen lords book of ramen here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1qLPoLxek3WLQJDtU6i3300_0nNioqeYXi7vESrtNvjQ/mobilebasic#heading=h.dy0ge0mcn18h
also i personally like a little spice so i put some chili oil on it as well
i largely used the ramen lords book of ramen here: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1qLPoLxek3WLQJDtU6i3300_0nNioqeYXi7vESrtNvjQ/mobilebasic#heading=h.dy0ge0mcn18h
also i personally like a little spice so i put some chili oil on it as well
y’all didn’t learn any history about the bible or historical religious texts and it shows.
christian or not, religious or not, the bible is one of the most irrefutable pieces of historical evidence we have. period. the religious things and callings you can leave out if you aren’t christian, that’s fine. but jesus was 100% a person and what he said is difficult if not impossible to argue existence over. doesn’t mean you have to believe in what he claimed, but he existed. and that’s just history.