• 16 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • Right now I am on vacation, my work phone stays at home with an empty battery.

    They still have my private number if it is an absolute disaster at work and they need my help, but untill sunday evening I won’t even charge my work phone, let alone check it for messages/calls.

    Work apps stay on the work phone, the ONLY exception to that rule I will ever make is work MFA apps.

    But I’d sooner get a new separate phone for that if I don’t get a company phone.

  • Sigh, we know EXACTLY what to do with it.

    Dig a deep hole into the bedrock, put the waste in dry casks, put the casks in the hole, backfill with clay.

    This has been known for decades!

    I live in a suburb north of Stockholm in Sweden, here in Scandinavia we have a very stable bedrock, I would absolutely welcome a disposal site for nuclear waste in my suburb, and I am talking about a site that would accept waste from all over the world (for a fee obviously).

    It would be simple, create jobs, and allow us to keep using nuclear power to allow for quicker removal of fossil power plants.

    As for Chernobyl, TMI and Fukashima, Chernobyl was a bad design which was run by people who lacked access to information about past nuclear accidents, leading to bad management, TMI had a fail deadly indicator system, where a broken light bulb caused incorrect information to be acted on, and Fukashima was built in a bad location.

    I recommend you to watch this 2006 BBC Horizon documentary, it is called Nuclear Nightmares and talks about our fear of radiation, and weather or not it is warranted:


    A large coal power plant needs at least 10000 tons of coal every day according to Wikipedia.

    A nuclear plant needs about 25 tons per year.

    That is a huge, massive difference in logistics, pollution and use of resources, that is not even getting into the coal ash that is produced by cosl plants, according to the EPA, nearly 130 million tons of coal ash was generated in the US by coal power plants. None was generated by nuclear power plants.

    Please watch the documentary, it is a few years old, but the premise still holds.

  • stoy@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    3 days ago

    I have no exact knowledge about why the gabgs appeared in Sweden, best I can say is the extreme culture clash between migrants and Swedes making them feel like outsiders.

    Sweden in an extreme country with an extreme culture, where as other countries are far, far more religious and family oriented, we are far more individual and have a deeper connection to the government.

    This is quite foreign to mugrants who have trouble understanding us, which makes them push further back against it.

    To be clear, the main issue is the culture clash between Sweden and migrants from the middle east, we have a VERY different culture and relationship with the government.

    The main issue as I see it is that Swedish culture is quite passive agressive, and we have not enforced our culture norms hard enough that they integrated into our society as well as possible, now people have talked about how we Swedes need to integrate ourselves into the migrant population.

    This is why the right is on the rise in Sweden

  • stoy@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    4 days ago

    Thank you, to be honest I have no idea if this would work, but it would keep these guy off the streets for far longer.

    We give people a lot of chances here, but in the end, why keep doing it if they are not interested in rehabilitating themselves?

    Sweden and Scandinavia as a whole put focus on rehab in prisons, so they get that, prison punnishment is meant to just be the incarseration, not the day to day life, that is supposed to be as normal as possible.

    That is great! The problem happens when people just see it as a vacation, and refuse to learn.

    Then I don’t know what more to do other than making them uncomfortable for longer.

  • stoy@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    4 days ago

    I get what you are saying, but we allready have a prison system focusing on rehabilitation, and it doesn’t phase the gangs.

    By increasing the length of prison sentences, we atleast keep them contained for longer.

    If you have any other suggestion, please go ahead and tell me.

  • stoy@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate this!
    4 days ago

    It is a pendulum, here in Sweden I know many people feeling disillusioned by the social democrats, combine that with ineffectual meassures against gang violence (often perpetuated by second generation migrant), where the perpetrators don’t care about punnishment as it is quite mild.

    Add to that that we have seen gangs and clans infiltrating the government at different levels, a few months ago two big news broke, one was that an employee at a court had let her criminal boyfriend sit at her computer using her access to go through classified documents, the other was that a student at the police academy had very close ties to gangs, to the point that it is assumed that they were tasked by the gang to join the police force and be a man on the inside.

    Then we recently had a soldier who left his Ak5 complete with all parts in his car, against all regulations, when he was eating lunch, the car just happened to be burgled and the Ak5 rifle as well as a set of body armor was stolen.

    It is assumed by most people that this was organized ahead of time, military vehicles have special number plates and are easily recognized, so he probably got paid to do this by a gang.

    Then we have the dad who got shot a killed after asking a group of what was gabg members to behave as he was taking his son to the public pool, snd an altercation started, the dad was shot in the head and his 12 year old son called the police.

    We also have some less recent major issues that had contributed to the rise of the right.

    Incidents where young men from migrant families have been harrasing and even feeling up women, commonly at public pools.

    Combine that with severe religious differences and some public pools have experimented with women only bathing hours.

    Most of if not all of the above points have been related to migrants.

    So it isn’t that odd that when the left offer what is seen as weak policies and pushes for understanding of the perpetrator and the right just says “fuck them, we gave them food, a place to live, security, healthcare and what do we get back? Gang violence, disrespect and harrasment!”, that people choose the right.

    In my mind we need heavier punnishment, we need containment punnishments, way longer punnishments for those who are not interested in rehab which our justice system focuses on, after two times caught they need to get an automatic 10x the time normally given. If people are not interested in being part of a working society, then I’d rather they stay locked up.

  • I am very confused now, you link to articles talking about storage pool issues, but I never mentioned storage pools.

    I am talking about what they are doing in Finland.

    They have drilled a very deep hole in the bedrock, built vaults where they will put cey casks of nuclear waste, then they will backfill the hole and tunnels with clay.

    This is how you do it.

    No one considers a storage pool as permanent storage.

  • Which crisis is the most important to manage in the short term.

    Climate change, nuclear power gives us a huge tool to deal with it by shutting down fossil furl plants.

    If we fail the climate change, the nuclear waste will be a tiny problem to deal with.

    With nuclear power we at least give people a problem they can deal with, climate change is far, far worse.

    The ammount of radioactive waste is tiny relative to normal dumps, and as described before, it is easy to deal with, dig a deep hole, put the waste in it, refill it.

    Boom problem solved.

    CO2 from fossil plats will keep up climate change for centuries.

  • Scandinavia is geographically stable and has been politically stable for a long time, I can think of no better place for a global nuclear waste storage facility.

    Meteors is just s dumb risk to consider in this case, any meteor capable of breaching an underground nuclear waste will cause far worse problems than the nuclear material will.

    The baltic isn’t that tidal either, so tidal waves can be disregarded.

    Earthquakes have happened here, but they are few and far between.

    I recommend that you watch the BBC Horizon Documentary “Nuclear Nightmares” that talks about our fear of radiation.


  • Nuclear waste is a solved problem, it is contained to a tiny physical object, all we gotta do is dig a hole, put the object into the hole, and cover it up.

    We pretend that it is way harder than it is.

    I live in a suburb north of Stockholm in Sweden, and I’d support the government building a large underground permanent storage of nuclear waste from all over the world (for a fee) in my suburb, we have the best ground for permanent storage in Scandinavia, we would earn money, create jobs and make the world safer.