• jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    1. The speaker discusses the difference between character and reputation, emphasizing that self-esteem should be based on character rather than reputation.
    2. They talk about being a comedian and dealing with cancel culture, stating that jokes attract and repel people, and that criticism is valid but canceling people is like book burning.
    3. They mention that adversity acts as a filter to reveal true friends and highlight the importance of friendship.
    4. The speaker connects comedy to authenticity and vulnerability, suggesting that the gap between public and private discourse is widening.
    5. They view canceling as free publicity and mention the “Eraser test,” where most people wouldn’t erase their most difficult moments.
    6. The speaker shares their experience of being canceled and how they received advice from friends to handle it.
    7. They discuss the connection between anxiety and creativity, noting that anxiety can be managed by keeping busy with tasks in the present moment.
    8. They emphasize the importance of not letting anxiety take over by focusing on immediate actions rather than worrying about the future.
    9. Additionally, they mention that anxiety can manifest in various forms and is not necessarily tied to a specific cause.