How do you think we have so many genders now? Without the hard work of the gender professionals risking their lives on the gender mines we were still just being plain cis males and females.
It’s inhumane what the gender miners are forced to do! Did you know they have children down there because their little fingers are gentle enough to not scratch the fresh genders, and it’s not uncommon for them to be crushed in a cave in! How many children’s lives are all your extra genders worth!?!
Gender studies isn’t a job, it’s an academic field
You’re just mad Gender Studies didn’t call you for a second interview.
I didn’t pass the whiteboard interview ☹️
How do you think we have so many genders now? Without the hard work of the gender professionals risking their lives on the gender mines we were still just being plain cis males and females.
It’s inhumane what the gender miners are forced to do! Did you know they have children down there because their little fingers are gentle enough to not scratch the fresh genders, and it’s not uncommon for them to be crushed in a cave in! How many children’s lives are all your extra genders worth!?!
I got the gender lung, Pops
MerXNT Dad, I’m a MerXNT!
they keep making more to see if there’s something I won’t like and they’re mad they can’t
Ur an academic field
Sick burn, bro!
nuh uh
Uh huh
When the force fields hoo haa or something like that